Praise and Prayer ~ October 25, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, We are reminded in Colossians 4:2 to: “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;” NASB95 What a great reminder to have “an attitude of thanksgiving.” It is easy to come before God with all our our struggles and challenges, which he loves to have us […]
Praise and Prayer ~ October 18, 2021
Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry The team in Nigeria wants to start spreading awareness of FFICM at churches and communities so that people will be made aware of this ministry. Pray for wisdom as they prepare plans for this. Pray for a recent convert from Islam named Awal who continues to be persecuted by the […]
Praise and Prayer ~ October 4, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, Praise God! Yesterday was FFICM’s 8th anniversary. We give praise to God for the eight years of ministry that has happened and all the growth that God has produced both in FFICM as an organization, but more importantly the spiritual growth that is happening around the world as new believers receive […]
Praise and Prayer ~ September 27, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, Praise God! Yesterday was FFICM’s 8th anniversary. We give praise to God for the eight years of ministry that has happened and all the growth that God has produced both in FFICM as an organization, but more importantly the spiritual growth that is happening around the world as new believers receive […]
Praise and Prayer ~ September 20, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry One of the Nigerian training teams will be doing a training at a new church in Lagos, Nigeria this week. Pray for safe travel as this is a long trip from Jos where our office is located. The other Nigerian training team will be going out […]
Praise and Prayer ~ September 13, 2021
Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry Muslim Outreach Ministry TV and Radio — We continue to broadcast the TV and radio episodes that have been recorded to share about what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and are specifically made for people coming to Christ from a Muslim background. Continue to pray for […]
Praise and Prayer ~ September 6, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, “As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” Galatians 1:9 Paul was very concerned about the people he discipled. He was very particular and was always willing to make sure […]
Praise and Prayer ~ August 30, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 1 Corinthians […]
Praise and Prayer ~ August 23, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship this week. May God bless your time in the quiet place with hope and peace. Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry Muslim Outreach Ministry TV and Radio — We continue to broadcast the TV […]
August 2021 Newsletter
Download .pdf version of this Newsletter Download printable .pdf version of the Prayer Handout “And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14 $50 a month or more will provide trainers of trainees material (Receive a free solar […]
Praise and Prayer ~ August 16, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, We are made for doing good things, for the glory of God. “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is […]
Praise and Prayer ~ August 9, 2021
August 9th, 2021 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, Notice all the emotions in the text: Painful. Grieve. Glad. Distressed. Rejoice. Confidence. Anguish. Tears. Paul doesn’t just tell the believers what to do . He communicates through his emotions. Our hopes for new believers are not just cognitive. We don’t just preach and teach from our knowledge […]
Praise and Prayer ~ August 2, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, We learn through our struggles, just like Jesus who learned through his suffering. Jesus grew in wisdom, mercy and obedience throughout his life. All Jesus’ experiences through his life prepared him for the great suffering he experienced in the Passion. How many want to become like Christ? We do! How many […]
July 2021 Newsletter
RSVP Here Meet the Team
Praise and Prayer ~ July 26, 2021
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet […]
Praise and Prayer ~ July 19, 2021
Nigeria: Muslim Outreach Ministry — Radio and TV Praise: Millions of Muslim listeners — The FFICM Nigeria team continues to produce TV and radio broadcasts designed to reach predominantly Muslim areas on public TV and radio stations with teaching about the gospel and the Bible. The teachings address myths commonly believed by Muslims and offer […]
Praise and Prayer ~ July 12, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. 2 I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your […]
Praise and Prayer ~ July 5, 2021
July 05, 2021 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, Rich read Matthew 5:43-48 and invited us to pray for our enemies. God’s character is abundant love, which is undeserving and unconditional. God is kind and good to all people. We want to be like God is, kind and loving even to our enemies. The Christian life is […]
June 2021 Newsletter
Praise and Prayer ~ April 12, 2021
Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, We humbly bring our requests before God. He is moving and we are responding to many opportunities around the world. Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship this week. May God bless your time in the quiet place with hope […]
January 2021 Newsletter
Dear Friends, Grace in times of need Thank you so much for your prayers; we continue to see growth and training going on even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. Rich is flying to Ethiopia this weekend to run two trainings with Eskinder and a new trainer called Ayele who has been hired on […]
Praise and Prayer ~ December 14
Nigeria Jepthah’s sister just lost her little girl to a brief illness. Please pray for their whole family! Peter is up in the north, meeting with the leaders of the HBB conference we are planning in 2021, please pray for safety for him and success in his journey! Sam said everything has been very hectic, he has been away […]
Praise and Prayer ~ December 7
Ethiopia They have 70 at their current training! That is ten more than they expected. A lot more wanted to come, so we will probably have another training in this area. Temperature isn’t too bad, thank God! It even rained! This is unusual, so God answered our prayers! They are sharing the gospel today! A lot […]
Praise and Prayer ~ November 30
Nigeria One of the staff has gone to Gombe to deliver radio teachings to the station there, and is hoping to arrange a future training, and may be able to stop in Bauchi to deliver radio programs too. Sam is going to travel to Kano to do follow-up training with those we trained in February […]
Praise and Prayer ~ November 23
Nigeria Pray for Nigeria as the MBB conference is going forward now in March of next year! Pray for wisdom, mobilization, good communication, and protection! There are nineteen discipleship centers participating that are all very excited to participate with us. Continue to pray for Sam. He is in the second location in Lafiya, coordinating follow-up and outreach with New Life […]
Praise and Prayer ~ November 16
Nigeria Pray for the team as they’re training in Bauchi and Layfia this week. Pray that more people will attend the training in Layfia. About 20 people have attended. Pray that more people will attend the training in Bauchi. There has been a low turnout but the team is hopeful more will attend. Pray for […]
Praise and Prayer ~ November 9
Nigeria There have been training sessions with over 100 students in the area, and there are more coming up. Next week, they are splitting up into 2 teams as they follow up with new believers. This week, Peter will be on television to speak about the ministry and the impact it has on the community. […]
Praise & Prayer ~ November 2
Nigeria Pray for the new office building and for God’s provision in the process. The radio program has received more comments, questions, and testimonies from people! Praise God! Pray that it continues to reach people and that the team works well together for this. Pray for Yusuf who is coming back to do more recordings […]
Praise & Prayer ~ October 26
Nigeria Last week, a conference was successfully held. Praise God for reaching new believers through this ministry! Please pray over everyone who attended, that they would be protected from the coronavirus. Please pray for an upcoming training and outreach that are coming up in November. Pray for the communication and planning as our team in […]
Praise & Prayer ~ October 19
Nigeria Sam, Danladi, Valentine, and their families are all healthy! Praise God! Pray for the MBB conference planning and that the committee will be able to meet. They are trying to figure out how best to host the conference with Coronavirus. Pray for wisdom and guidance. Pray for the new office space for the Nigeria […]
Nigeria Ruth, Valentine, and Sam have all tested positive for Coronavirus but don’t have symptoms. Pray that it stays this way and that they heal quickly. A couple other staff members are waiting for their test results. Pray for negatives! Peter has been struggling with health issues. He and his wife had Hepatitis C and […]
Nigeria Sam and his wife are sick with a fever and an ulcer, pray for his recovery! Ishaku would like to praise God for his provision, though everything is hard now. He said to say thank you for praying for his son Nathaniel, who is recovering really well! Ishaku’s church has assigned him to be a leader to oversee the […]
Rich Gardner Rich is traveling to Nigeria. Currently at airport on his way. He arrives Wednesday in Nigeria and will be there for 2 weeks. Zainab This past weekend they had graduation for 9 women in the class. Continue to pray for courage as they do the work of God. Next group of women are […]
NigeriaOur friend and partner Soja lost his wife Mercy, who had had a brain surgery a few months back. Pray for him and their family! Emmaus Ministry said Comfort is in police custody, we do not know what is going on, please pray for her! Zainab called the day before yesterday, the police promised they would […]
Praise and Prayer ~ June 29
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and […]
Praise and Prayer ~ May 18-25
Nigeria Peter and Yusuf are at the studio being filmed today, to make four or five more episodes! The lockdown in Maiduguri has been loosened a bit because many people have to work for their daily needs. Comfort reports there has not been any further attacks, praise God. They have not been too many cases […]
Praise and Prayer ~ May 4-11
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Rom. 15:13 Nigeria The cases keep on rising. Recently they have over 2500 cases. People are dying of corona, and people are burying them […]
Praise and Prayer ~ April 20-27
Nigeria Possible COVID death in Maiduguri. The whole country is on lockdown for 2 weeks after this weekend. Please pray for people who are food insecure! Peter will be paying our staff a little ahead of time so they can buy food. In Ezekiel’s church they staggered seating for church, and church attendance is down. […]
Praise and Prayer ~ April 6-13
Praise and Prayer ~ April 6-13 Nigeria Continue to pray for the situation in Nigeria, there have been attacks by the Fulani surrounding Jos. Please pray for peace. There are now going to be about 2 weeks where everyone is supposed to stay home, and cannot go out to do almost anything! Please pray for […]
Praise and Prayer ~ March 30
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what […]
Praise and Prayer ~ March 14-21
Nigeria On Wednesday Peter and his team will go to another theological school to set up another training! They are training 150 at the UMCN theological school right now. One of the professors said we should call the gospel card the miracle card, because it is so clear and works so well. Three of the theological […]
Praise and Prayer ~ February 24-31
Nigeria The former sheik’s baby has recovered from her illness, praise the Lord! Comfort and Zainab are in Jos now, for the trainers’ training, please pray for this training! The team hasn’t heard back from everyone, but are hoping to have 25-27 of the head trainers attend. Pray for safety in travel. We thank God […]
Praise and Prayer ~ February 17-24
Nigeria Sam, Valentine, Dauda, Ahamet are training, it is going well! They started this morning, and and by evening there were 147 trainees. The trainees were very organized and attentive, praise God. They went through the gospel tract and practiced together. Pray for the training as it is challenging to run a training that large! […]
Praise and Prayer ~ February 10-17
Nigeria The former sheik and Ahamet will be meeting all together with some highly educated new believers to do the follow up training, this week! Pray for these new believers! Peter met with leaders in Ilorin with a local denomination which wants us to come and train their pastors and church members. They are very […]
Praise and Prayer ~ February 3-10
Nigeria Praise God for David’s safe trip! He had no problems in Lagos. Peter, Sarah, and David are all working together on finances! Pray for wisdom. A team member is traveling down to the southwestern part of Nigeria, travel safety. Last week Wednesday someone was kidnapped in the area, please pray for protection and peace. […]
Praise and Prayer ~ January 27-February 3rd
Nigeria Training in Nigeria started around 10 am, with about 63 people! There should be more coming tomorrow. Most are evangelists that have come from far away villages. Please pray! They are in northern Nigeria. They can’t go out in groups to witness during the practical time, because the Muslims would be suspicious and might […]
Praise and Prayer ~ January 6-13
Matthew 14 Devotional Thought from Rich: Jesus had compassion on those who were ill even in his time of trouble, he healed their sick! Let us remember in our own difficulties or those of people we love, Jesus feels for us and will respond. Nigeria Let’s pray for Christians in the North, the Islamic State […]
Prayer and Praise ~ December 30 2019
Nigeria Thank God the Christmas celebration in Jos was peaceful! Maiduguri was largely peaceful but outside the city on Thursday there was a bride and all her friends that were killed on their way to her wedding. Please pray for all of their family and friends, and pray for an end to these evil attacks […]
Praise and Prayer ~ December 16-23
1 Peter 1:13 (NIV) Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. Nigeria Pray for the former sheik and Ahamet for safe travel! Pray for trainings for next year, there are so many in January, […]
Praise and Prayer
Ethiopia Universities are now at peace, students are back to their studies! Praise God! Pray for Eskendir that he would have wisdom as he works on setting up the conference and the new office Thank God that the President of Ethiopia has received a Nobel Peace Prize. Pray while he leaves the country there will […]