Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ December 16-23

1 Peter 1:13 (NIV) 

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.


Pray for the former sheik and Ahamet for safe travel!

Pray for trainings for next year, there are so many in January, February, and March, pray God will give the Nigeria team the grace to do all this! Pray also for all of the set-up that goes into this, for good communication, Ezekiel is working on this. 

Praise God, Sam visited his parents, his father told him that 2 weeks previously he had received Christ and while they were there his mother also prayed to receive Jesus. Pray that God strengthens them in their newfound faith! Pray also that Sam and his family will be able to move to a new house this week. Pray for Sam’s son who is teething!  Thank God for Sam’s brother, God protected him in an accident. Sam has been having some issues with his eye, pray God would heal him from this eye problem, he is on medication. 


Ethiopia is peaceful praise God!

There have been some complications in organizing the conference, pray for clear and quick communications! 

Pray that Eritrea would open up! We would love to minister there. 


Pray for Rich’s brother and sisters who do not know Christ!

Pray for our families as they are together, that we would have joyful and thankful hearts! 

Pray for David’s son Ben, he is twelve years old, he has had issues at school, has been suspended. Pray for wisdom for David and his wife Denise. His sister and brother and law have offered to take him in, they have experience working with kids with behavioral issues. 

Continue to pray for Stacey’s brother! 


Please continue to pray for Florence, her husband, pastor Yisa and all those still ministering under the oppressive regime!

Please pray for peace for Cameroon. 


Pray for the opportunity that Roman is working on for Rich to come and teach at the Bible college in Siberia! The school really wants Rich to come. 
