The former sheik’s baby has recovered from her illness, praise the Lord!
Comfort and Zainab are in Jos now, for the trainers’ training, please pray for this training! The team hasn’t heard back from everyone, but are hoping to have 25-27 of the head trainers attend. Pray for safety in travel.
We thank God for last week’s trainings in Katsina and Kano, they were very successful, and travel was safe! Let us continue to pray for the participants, many are trying to evangelize, and have plans to evangelize together in April and beginning of May, and go on trips to go to different states. They intend to use our gospel cards and follow up materials!
Ishaku went to Jalingo on an outreach and is still there, he spent the night in Jalingo, and tomorrow he is coming to Jos, pray for safety!
Last week when Sam was away, his wife was suffering from an eye problem, and thank God she is doing better.
Let us continue to pray for the upcoming events in Jos, thank God for journey mercies from Abuja to Jos, for Rich and Peter!
On Saturday some of the Nigeria team will travel to Jalingo to meet with the committee organizing the conference in Jalingo, pray for safety in travel and a fruitful meeting.
Rich will be preaching in an RCCN (Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria) church on Sunday, pray for wisdom as he shares the message.
Continue to pray for the TV program! They will air the second episode in the north this week! Pray that God will use this to spread his word.
The Nigeria team is having another training next week in the Foron area, pray that God will guide them and lead them! They are expecting 150 people. Most are pastors and elders some group leaders from COCIN (Church of Christ in Nigeria).
Things are better in Maiduguri, the government announced that both Muslims and Christians should pray and fast. There were two attacks close by, but God has been faithful. Pray that God will comfort and strengthen them. The governor said he is going to fast and pray for peace! Please pray that God hears their prayers
There are three girls who had turned to prostitution who are listening to Comfort and learning from the follow up materials, Comfort is not in Jos this week, but has left one of her trainees in charge of reaching out to them and continuing with the follow-up lessons. Pray for them!
Praise God, the internet in the Nigeria office is working! The printer is working as well!
Eskinder is arranging the training for prospective trainers with Rich, he is expecting 16-20 people! Please pray for wisdom and grace as he does this.
Eskinder is praying that David would be able to finish all the materials, because about 1300 people are waiting for them. Pray David is able to figure out the changes soon!
Pray for the large conference, they’re postponing it until November-December, hoping to have 10,000-20,000 people! Pray for wisdom about exact timing, and resources!
Continue to pray for peace for the country, and for health and strength for Florence’s family, and encouragement in the Spirit for the trainees!
Stacey’s daughter is doing better! Praise God! Please pray that God continues to protect her and the baby.
Pray for David’s son Ben, they’re changing some of his teachers at school to try to help him.
David shared at Laurel community church yesterday, and people responded well! Next Sunday they have a missions conference, and David will be there.
David’s wife is in Arizona this week with her parents, helping them, please pray for her! The plan is that they will move to Oregon in July, so pray for the building process, that all the permits and financing would go well!
Continue to pray for preparations for the set up for the fundraiser on the east coast!
Continue to pray about Dara and Ian’s finances! Also, the kids are sick this week, pray for quick healing, and that the kids could sleep through the night again.