Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ February 10-17


The former sheik and Ahamet will be meeting all together with some highly educated new believers to do the follow up training, this week! Pray for these new believers!

Peter met with leaders in Ilorin with a local denomination which wants us to come and train their pastors and church members. They are very interested in the follow-up training and the materials, they are willing to accommodate and feed the participants of the trainings with their own finances. Praise God! The church is interested in possibly contributing financially to the ministry as well! They asked a lot of questions about how we deal with Muslim background believers, and Peter was able to tell them more about our developing Muslim new believer strategy to keep them in their communities so they don’t have to flee. They have heard testimonies about what we have been doing. The General Secretary that Peter trained in Uganda in 2017 has been teaching the gospel card and follow up materials in the seminary he teaches at! 

There are some new converts in Maiduguri who are going through the follow-up class with Comfort. They couldn’t meet yesterday, because about 30 vehicles were attacked on the highway, 30 people killed, and they kidnapped others. Everyone is terrified to travel anywhere outside the city. Please pray for safety! 

This coming Monday, there are two trainings the Nigeria team will be running in the north, please pray for safety for them! The organizer in at one of the trainings has said there are 147 people who are registered! Pray for all the travel arrangements. 

News from the conference organizers in Jalingo is that there will be 1,000 people attending! Pray because we are having a hard time finding speakers. 

Pray for Sam’s family, his sister lost her three year old granddaughter died of chicken pox. Sam has been trying to help her travel to where her daughter lives. Pray for her travel, 


David and Eskinder are working hard preparing the office, getting started on a lot of projects! They are trying especially to find a good internet option because it is making communications difficult. 

Pray that Eskinder and David will have wisdom and will make good progress on all of their projects. 

Praise God for the wonderful, effective trainings that Rich and Eskinder had the past couple of weeks! Pray for the trainers as they continue to minister!


Continue to pray for Cameroon! We would love to do trainings there, but it is not yet safe. 

Pray for Florence and family, Linda, Doris, Stanley, Hestin, and all those who continue to pray for the Lord’s grace and minister to those around them in very difficult situations!


Pray for Rich, Eskinder’s main supporter died, and he is trying to contact his widow. Pray for mercy for her!

Pray for Stacey’s daughter, Hannah, who is just found out she has a kidney stone while 21 weeks pregnant! Pray for her healing, and for protection for the baby! 

Pray for Dara’s healing, she had a severe migraine that was mimicking a stroke, and had to have strong medication in the ER which gave her some very difficult side effects for a few days. She is nearly well, but pray for continued health!
