Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ January 27-February 3rd


Training in Nigeria started around 10 am, with about 63 people! There should be more coming tomorrow. Most are evangelists that have come from far away villages. Please pray! They are in northern Nigeria. They can’t go out in groups to witness during the practical time, because the Muslims would be suspicious and might react violently. Pray for their efforts as they witness at home. Pray for the training! Please pray for Peter, Sam, Ishaku, Ahamet.

There is a video-recorder who is covering the training! Pray for this to be fruitful, it would be wonderful to have more of our sessions recorded. 

Last week some of our staff were supposed to be in Jarong, but the Muslims in Maiduguri have been kidnapping and killing of leaders and church members. The highways in Maiduguri are all unsafe, and even inside the town there are terrible atrocities. Please pray for Comfort! Please pray for everyone, for safety and for mercy for the church in the area. 

One of the Muslim background believers from Maiduguri was taken away by his family, please pray! 

Pray for the former sheik, they are expecting him to continue on with recording the tv programs! These will be airing soon. 

Pray for the Jalingo conference, Peter has been talking with the organizers, pray for all the efforts to communicate! Peter has had a hard time getting through to them this week. They are hoping to meet tomorrow. 

The training at the girls secondary school was successful! Many of them are really intent on learning more. They said the teachings have helped them a lot. 

Sam’s elder sister called and said his uncle has died. Please pray for their family! Especially for Sam as he is at the training and can’t attend the funeral.


Rich and Eskendir just started the training today with around 50 people, they expect ten more to arrive tomorrow. The trainees are out witnessing right now! Please pray for them. 

Rich and Eskendir talked with the representatives from Kale Heywet (our main partnerning) denomination about the Ethiopian evangelism and follow up conference. They are now saying they expect 10-15,000 will come, and are considering moving the conference to May. Continue to pray for wisdom and help with all the practical details. 

There was a freak rain all last night, it caused power outages, Rich and Eskendir have no internet access— it also makes the roads a mess, and it interrupts the farming, so pray for no more rain! 

Pray for next week, that everyone will be able to come to the training near Addis next week! Rich and Eskendir are eager to meet especially those we are considering adding to the Ethiopia team.


Stacey’s brother is still suffering memory problems, and the doctors have been unable to properly diagnose him. The cancer is still a problem, please continue to pray. 

David is leaving Friday for Nigeria and Ethiopia, pray for final preparations this week!

 This last weekend David attended a youth retreat for eighth grade boys! There were 7-10 kids there, saw God working in some really cool ways, pray for the kids. 

David’s daughter has three finals today! And today is Ben’s birthday, so pray that he has a good birthday, and continue to pray for him that he is able to start making better choices that lead to his healing. Pray for David’s sister that she would have wisdom as she continues to work with him

Prayer for our office staff as we get year-end summaries out this week! 


Please continue to pray for peace in the country, and mercy for those in English speaking regions. 

Please pray for Florence’s family! Pray for mercy and healing for her husband. 

Please pray for all those who have been trained as they continue to reach out to those around them. 
