Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ January 6-13

Matthew 14

Devotional Thought from Rich: Jesus had compassion on those who were ill even in his time of trouble, he healed their sick! Let us remember in our own difficulties or those of people we love, Jesus feels for us and will respond. 


Let’s pray for Christians in the North, the Islamic State kidnapped a district secretary yesterday and in Lassa the driver was killed and the passengers were kidnapped. Continue to pray for the safety of the people who are traveling! 

Pray for Comfort’s safety as she continues to minister in Maiduguri, and also that God would open doors and create safety so ministers in Maiduguri can go about safely. 

Thank God for the New Year! Today the Nigeria team in Jos gathered to pray together. Please pray that God will give each one of them strength and vision for what He has called them to do! 

Pray for the coming week! the Nigeria team will be traveling north to three locations to set up trainings the end of January and beginning of February! Pray for safety, for God’s grace, and pray for good communications with all our partners. 

Please pray for the former sheik as he and some of the staff will be traveling to encourage new believers that have resulted from our joint ministry! Praise God we heard this past week there was a Muslim man who heard the former sheik testifying to the truth of Christianity using the Koran, and he went to his community Islamic teachers and asked them if what the sheik said was true, and they said that it was. He said to them then why are we attacking the Christians? We should rather become Christians, and the man then professed faith in Jesus. There was another man, a son of the chief, who fell sick, and his aunt who was a Christian took him to the hospital, and when they took him to the hospital, they treated him in a Christian hospital. The hospital staff started praying for him, and one night the man started shouting Jesus, Jesus, and from that time he said he wants to give his life to Jesus. He has been in hiding from his parents. Someone heard about what we do, and called the former sheik to ask for his help in following up with the young man, building him up in his new faith.

Last week the Nigeria team did three recordings on Friday of last week. Things are taking shape for the television program that FFICM will run for several months, they are recording more episodes this week! Praise God that we are already seeing people turn to the Lord through recordings!

Thank God for this weekend! Samuel had a revival in his village. He went and showed the Jesus film and they had time to preach and follow up. About 135 people prayed to receive Christ! Pray for the staff as they follow up with the new believers and thank God for His work to bring many to Christ. 

Pray for pastors in Nigeria, many are being transferred at the beginning of the year. This may make the communications for our team more challenging. Pray that God will give these new pastors in areas we are hoping to work a good understanding of what we do and that they will be motivated. 

December 31st at night Mercy, Soja’s wife almost died, it turned out that she has a brain tumor, thank God she is doing better. She needs to go to Israel for an operation, pray that God would heal her!


Ethiopian Christmas is tomorrow! 

There are many training opportunities! At this point many people are hearing about what we are doing and want us to come and do trainings. Pray that Eskinder will have wisdom and grace to know which opportunities to pursue! 

Please pray for the universities in Ethiopia! There has been further conflict and confusion and Eskinder’s son hasn’t been able to attend university.

Please also continue to pray for all the student trainers and the new believers who resulted from their ministry


We have an opportunity to do some teaching in the Dalles, we need to make a decision as to whether or not we should take advantage of this opportunity as it is a complex situation! 

We have a new volunteer coming in this week on Tuesday! She is coming in once a week. Praise God and pray that this goes well! 

Pray for all the preparations for the year! There is a lot going on!

Pray for David’s wife Denise, she has been with her parents this past week helping them with their medical issues! She travels back to Oregon tomorrow night, pray for her parents, and for her safe travel. Pray also for David’s son Benjamin, that he would continue to adjust well to life in Washington and that this time would be really good for him! 
