Peter and Yusuf are at the studio being filmed today, to make four or five more episodes!
The lockdown in Maiduguri has been loosened a bit because many people have to work for their daily needs. Comfort reports there has not been any further attacks, praise God. They have not been too many cases in Maiduguri, they have been contact tracing and quarantining some people as they are tested. Pray for eradication of the virus and provision for people’s needs. Many vulnerable young women especially are having a hard time providing for themselves.
In Abuja the markets are open twice a week. Business is picking up for Zainab, please continue to pray for
In Jos, the governor of plateau state made an announcement, Thursday and Friday are now official release days from the lockdown. They are hoping in this way to reduce the sufferings of the poor.
Ibrahim is working with the hospital, some of the doctors who have been caring for the coronavirus patients are now sick with the disease, please pray for the doctors on the front lines of the coronavirus fight.
Our trainer Ishaku said that the rural areas are particularly vulnerable to the virus, asks for prayer for protection. The lockdown is not effective in the rural areas.
Please pray for everyone!
Pray for the MBB conference which is supposed to happen in October. We will go forward if the coronavirus has cleared.
While we were on the prayer call, a young man stole something worth about 500 Niara (about 3 dollars) from a shop next to Zainab, and a mob gathered and began beating him and shouting they were going to burn him to death. Zainab and our team immediately began praying for him, and the police came and rescued him and took him away. Pray for this young man, that he will survive his injuries and come to know the Lord!
Please pray for peace between Ethiopia and Egypt. Egypt is angry about the fact that Ethiopia wants to build a dam on the Nile. Egypt is saying they are prepared to go to war over the water use. Ethiopia wanted to sit down and talk about it, but Egypt refused, saying for thousands of years we have used this water, it is ours.
Ethiopia’s testing resources are limited, but they now know they have had at least 1000 cases.
In Addis, people are still working. Please pray that the virus stops spreading.
Pray for Eskinder, he is trying to present a paper for his masters degree, pray he can finish!
Pray for Florence, Pastor Yisa, and all our devoted trainees as they continue to suffer oppression in addition to the spreading of the coronavirus.
Pray for Florence’s family as they continue to grieve the loss of her husband!
Pray for peace, and an end to the terrible oppression of the government and the fighting of the freedom-fighters in Jesus’ Name.
Please continue to pray for Stacey’s daughter who is pregnant, and whose blood pressure is continuing to hover just under the threshold where they would need to bring the baby out early! Pray that her blood pressure goes down and God protects her and the baby.
Please continue to pray for Dara’s health, her heart, oxygen and breathing continues to fluctuate, and some days are good and others are hard, with no apparent reason. Thank God for his continued protection!’
Please pray for the US team as we continue to make plans and work as we can from home!