Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Ethiopia and the Family of God

We’re thrilled to report that four of the trainees from the Dubancho training in November have reported back to us. On their own, they have trained eighty-four additional church leaders in evangelism and follow-up using our materials. Please pray for these trainees, as well as the other 116 who will bring their reports in soon. […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise January 26, 2023

Jerel shared a devotion on hope this week.  Hope is not a thing or experience, hope is Jesus.  Our lives are fueled and directed by hope and Jesus is our hope. Highlights from this week’s update: Kenya:Program Updates Ethiopia:Program Updates  Nigeria: Nigeria Program Updates General Nigeria Prayer Requests Ongoing Muslim Outreach Ministry Prayer for the […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise January 3, 2023

January 3, 2023 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! Jerel shared a word for this year, “Draw Near” and read from Romans 4.  Following the example of Abraham who grew strong in his faith, we are encouraged to lean into the grace of God and draw near to Him. Highlights from this week’s update: Ethiopia:Program Updates Kenya:Program Updates […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise November 1, 2022

November 1, 2022 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! This week Jerel shared from Psalm 108.  He shares that we want everything that we say and do to reflect who God is.  Often it feels like the relational side of evangelism is silenced but David says “I will sing praise to you among the nations.”  We will tell the […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise September 14, 2022

Prayer In Real Time “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”John 16:33 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! Jerel shared from Paul Tripp’s “New Morning Mercies.”  Grace means that you can never say it’s too hard, you’ve been left […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise August 30, 2022

August 30, 2022 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! Rich shared today from Hebrews.  Faith is how we live!  Not something we exercise once in a while, but something that we live every day.  Faith defines our life. How do we live a life of faith?  One of the examples that the writers of Hebrews give is the faith […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise August 1, 2022

“Have mercy on me, O God,    according to your unfailing love;according to your great compassion    blot out my transgressions.2 Wash away all my iniquity    and cleanse me from my sin.” Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! This week Jerel shared Psalm 51, focusing on Psalm 51:1-6. In his devotion, Jerel reminded us that it’s not enough to be cleansed from sin, but it’s about being cleansed […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise July 13, 2022

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”Matthew 11:28-30 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! This week Rich reminded […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise July 7, 2022

July 7, 2022 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! This week we read from John 17:1-5.  Rest in the relationship you have in Jesus through God, but also know that there is work that He has given us to accomplish.  This time of prayer that we have together each week acknowledges the burden that God has placed on our […]

Weekly Prayer and Praise June 28, 2022

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:1-2 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! This week we read from 2 Timothy 2:1-13 […]

Prayer in Real Time June 20, 2022

We wait in hope for the Lord;    he is our help and our shield.In him our hearts rejoice,    for we trust in his holy name.May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,    even as we put our hope in you.Psalm 33:20-22 20 June 2022 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  This morning Jerel shared from Paul Tripp’s New Morning Mercies.  The gospel is one […]

Prayer in Real Time February 22, 2022

February 22, 2022 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  “One of the fruits of prayer is that as we pray God begins to grow within us a greater sensitivity and compassion for suffering–the suffering of others, the suffering of the earth, the suffering within us, and the suffering of God.  God is nothing if not a deep […]

Prayer in Real Time February 15, 2022

February 15, 2022 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  This week we are reminded that God is a God of peace. Philippians 4:4-9 reminds us that even in the midst of challenges and struggles, God calls us to peace and rejoicing. We are not to be anxious about anything, but to be transformed by God and the […]

Prayer In Real Time February 8, 2022

February 8, 2022 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! Yesterday Jerel shared some thoughts from the road.  He and Rich had been talking about the book of John, thinking about how powerful God is in the working of His miracles.  Thinking about the time that it would have taken anyone to break the bread for the 5,000 but Jesus […]

Prayer in Real-Time February 1, 2022

February 1, 2022 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  This week Jerel shared with us from Paul Tripp’s New Morning Mercies. As we talked about the story of David and Goliath Jerel reminded us that if you’re God’s child it’s no more you against the world than it was David against Goliath.  God is with you.  God […]

Prayer in Real Time January 24, 2022

January 24, 2022 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  This week, David shared with us from Psalm 33.  He encouraged us to have courage because of God’s goodness, to be reminded of God’s faithfulness, and to praise God in everything.  We encourage you this week to take the time to stop and thank God.  We thank you for […]

Prayer in Real Time January 13, 2022

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  On Monday, Jerel shared from 1 John 4:7-12 about how God is love.  Jerel’s message encouraged us to lean into past grace and future grace as we look into travel visas for our team and prepare for our Spring trainings and conferences. New highlights from prayer updates (noted in blue below):  Prayer: Vehicle […]

Prayer In Real Time January 4, 2022

January 4, 2022 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! Jerel shared from Mark 5:24-34 about the woman who had a discharge of blood for 12 years.  The pause in the crowd holds so much depth to it.  It’s not just saying that this woman was healed, it’s telling us that she could shop again, have relationships again and that […]

Prayer In Real Time December 27, 2021

December 27, 2021 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Today in our time of devotion, Rick shared his thoughts on group prayer.  He mentioned that we spend a lot of time asking God for things and reminded us that we need to take time to think about how God is bringing us together, putting us through different […]

Prayer in Real Time December 22, 2021

December 22, 2021 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Jerel shared from the hymn “Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown.”   In this hymn, we are reminded that Jesus left His kingly crown in heaven to come down so that we could live in relationship with Him.   Highlights from prayer updates (now noted in blue […]

Praise and Prayer November 30, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Jerel shared from Colossians 1:13.  A beautiful cross reference of who holds us today and how we can dance freely.  We are no longer outcasts but we are adopted, we are no longer slaves but friends.  We have a wonderful identity in Christ because He has delivered us from darkness.   […]

Praise and Prayer November 23, 2021

November 23, 2021 Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners! Reflection from Peter Wash: This morning we were reminded by Peter from  Zechariah 4:6.  Sometimes we see mountains before us or things we feel “how will we accomplish all of this”  But the word of God encourages us that it is not by our might or power but […]

Praise and Prayer ~ October 25, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  We are reminded in Colossians 4:2 to: “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;” NASB95  What a great reminder to have “an attitude of thanksgiving.” It is easy to come before God with all our our struggles and challenges, which he loves to have us […]

Praise and Prayer ~ October 18, 2021

Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry The team in Nigeria wants to start spreading awareness of FFICM at churches and communities so that people will be made aware of this ministry. Pray for wisdom as they prepare plans for this.  Pray for a recent convert from Islam named Awal who continues to be persecuted by the […]

Praise and Prayer ~ October 4, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Praise God! Yesterday was FFICM’s 8th anniversary. We give praise to God for the eight years of ministry that has happened and all the growth that God has produced both in FFICM as an organization, but more importantly the spiritual growth that is happening around the world as new believers receive […]

Praise and Prayer ~ September 27, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Praise God! Yesterday was FFICM’s 8th anniversary. We give praise to God for the eight years of ministry that has happened and all the growth that God has produced both in FFICM as an organization, but more importantly the spiritual growth that is happening around the world as new believers receive […]

Praise and Prayer ~ September 20, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry One of the Nigerian training teams will be doing a training at a new church in Lagos, Nigeria this week. Pray for safe travel as this is a long trip from Jos where our office is located.  The other Nigerian training team will be going out […]

Praise and Prayer ~ September 13, 2021

Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry Muslim Outreach Ministry TV and Radio — We continue to broadcast the TV and radio episodes that have been recorded to share about what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and are specifically made for people coming to Christ from a Muslim background. Continue to pray for […]

Praise and Prayer ~ September 6, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  “As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” Galatians 1:9 Paul was very concerned about the people he discipled. He was very particular and was always willing to make sure […]

Praise and Prayer ~ August 30, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 1 Corinthians […]

Praise and Prayer ~ August 23, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship this week. May God bless your time in the quiet place with hope and peace.   Nigeria: Current and Ongoing ministry Muslim Outreach Ministry TV and Radio — We continue to broadcast the TV […]

Praise and Prayer ~ August 16, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  We are made for doing good things, for the glory of God. “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is […]

Praise and Prayer ~ August 9, 2021

August 9th, 2021 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Notice all the emotions in the text: Painful. Grieve. Glad. Distressed. Rejoice. Confidence. Anguish. Tears.  Paul doesn’t just tell the believers what to do . He communicates through his emotions. Our hopes for new believers are not just cognitive. We don’t just preach and teach from our knowledge […]

Praise and Prayer ~ August 2, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  We learn through our struggles, just like Jesus who learned through his suffering. Jesus grew in wisdom, mercy and obedience throughout his life. All Jesus’ experiences through his life prepared him for the great suffering he experienced in the Passion. How many want to become like Christ? We do! How many […]

Praise and Prayer ~ July 26, 2021

 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet […]

Praise and Prayer ~ July 19, 2021

Nigeria: Muslim Outreach Ministry — Radio and TV Praise: Millions of Muslim listeners — The FFICM Nigeria team continues to produce TV and radio broadcasts designed to reach predominantly Muslim areas on public TV and radio stations with teaching about the gospel and the Bible. The teachings address myths commonly believed by Muslims and offer […]

Praise and Prayer ~ July 12, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. 2 I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your […]

Praise and Prayer ~ July 5, 2021

July 05, 2021 Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Rich read Matthew 5:43-48 and invited us to pray for our enemies. God’s character is abundant love, which is undeserving and unconditional. God is kind and good to all people. We want to be like God is, kind and loving even to our enemies. The Christian life is […]

Praise and Prayer ~ June 28, 2021

(Photo credit: A screen shot from FFICM’s video about the need for a ministry vehicle in Ethiopia. This photo is of an Ethiopian bus, which is our current means of transportation. Read below for news about the new vehicle coming soon!) Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Thank you for praying with us this week! During our […]

Praise and Prayer ~ June 14, 2021

(Photo detail: Gabrielle ‘Elle’ Wisot, FFICM’s new Communications Coordinator, as of June 2021.) Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,        Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship this week. May God bless your time in the quiet place with hope and peace.   Nigeria: Radio and TV Ministry […]

Praise and Prayer ~ June 2nd, 2021

(Photo detail: Taken during the live portion of FFICM’s Spring Fundraiser 2021.) Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  As we welcome in a change of seasons here in the US, our team in Oregon is eager to embrace the slower pace of international travel. With Rich’s next trip scheduled for October, we turn to welcoming new staff onto the US team. Lord willing, […]

Praise and Prayer ~ May 24, 2021

(Photo detail: FFICM’s ministry leader, Tesfye, teaching follow-up materials in Ethiopia). Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,         We are humbled as we gather in prayer this week by God’s faithful, loving care for each of us, for FFICM as an organization, and for our dedicated partners in ministry. At the completion of our Spring Fundraiser last Saturday […]

Praise and Prayer ~ May 17, 2021

(Photo detail: Dr. Rich Gardner teaching at the True Gospel Conference in Nigeria, 2021.) Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship this week. May God bless your time in the quiet place with hope and peace.   Nigeria Ongoing Ministry Radio […]

Praise and Prayer ~ May 12th, 2021

(Photo detail: The MBB and former Imam, who recently accepted Christ through listening to the audio bible players. Prayer requests for these new believers are below.) Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Grace and peace to each of you in Christ Jesus. Thank you for your prayers on behalf of our brothers and sisters in the US, […]

Praise and Prayer ~ May 4, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  We gather in prayer for the nations of Nigeria, Ethiopia and Cameroon, all of which are enduring widespread violence and human suffering. We pray with confidence because we know that our Creator loves justice and will act to bring deliverance through the Holy Spirit, through armies of angels and through brave […]

Praise and Prayer ~ April 27, 2021

Photo detail: Leaders of the FFICM True Gospel Conference in Jalingo, Nigeria – April 2021. Rich Gardner (far left) with Roman Baronowski, a Polish ministry partner, next to Peter Wash (in cream shirt). Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship […]

Praise and Prayer ~ April 19th, 2021

Photo credit: Leaders at the MBB Conference using solar-powered audio players. Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Thank you for sharing our journey this week. We are deeply grateful and humbled by the success of the MBB Conference last week. Pray with us for all the MBBs who committed to share the gospel in their communities. We’re […]

Praise and Prayer ~ April 12, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  We humbly bring our requests before God. He is moving and we are responding to many opportunities around the world. Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship this week. May God bless your time in the quiet place with hope […]

Praise and Prayer ~ April 5, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! We praise God for his goodness and provision, and we humbly bring our requests before Him. Below you will find a prayer guide to support you as you accompany us in prayer and worship this week. May God bless your time in the quiet […]

Praise and Prayer ~ March 30, 2021

(Photo Credit: Kate Thomas, a speaker at the Ethiopian Mega Conference with a Cameroonian trainer.) Dear FFICM Prayer Partners,  In our prayer time during Holy Week, we remember Jesus’ vulnerable humility and his courageous obedience in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus’ spoke to the Father of his weakness, his fatigue, his fears. In the same […]