Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Weekly Prayer and Praise August 1, 2022

“Have mercy on me, O God,
    according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
    blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
    and cleanse me from my sin.”

Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners!

This week Jerel shared Psalm 51, focusing on Psalm 51:1-6.

In his devotion, Jerel reminded us that it’s not enough to be cleansed from sin, but it’s about being cleansed from within.  We want God to cleanse us from the heart so that our motives, our thoughts, and our actions are all filled with mercy.  A humble and contrite heart will receive mercy from God.   As we are aware of how much mercy we have received, we also need to give that same mercy to others.

Highlights from this week’s update:

  • Pray for Mercy’s village as there was an attack by the Muslim Fulani herdsmen where 7-10 people were killed, including several of her relatives. Please continue to pray for peace in Nigeria.
  • Praise and prayer request regarding vehicle purchase:  A vehicle has been found! It is brand new and is within our budget, and is available right away! The only thing we are waiting for now is the transfer of funds. The first time we tried to make the wire transfer, the funds got hung up for almost 2 months. We have transferred all the funds needed and most of them have arrived. Just waiting for the final funds to be received and then the vehicle should be purchased this week! Having this vehicle will significantly reduce the cost for going out and doing trainings and will make travel much safer.
  • Praise: Our church status has been approved!!! — FFICM has applied for church status here in the US. The was  submitted months ago! This will allow us to be able to have all of our staff receive the ministerial housing allowance and will have other tax and financial benefits for us as an organization.  


Program Updates

  • Continue to pray for the Nigeria team to find a good Operations Manager/Office Manager. Pray that God would show them the way forward. Pray for unity of mind and planning with the Nigerian board of trustees and staff as they make this decision. 
  • Praise for the good staff development that was held the first week of July.  Pray that they will be able to apply all that they discussed and worked on as a team.  
  • Pray: Tensions are rising ahead of the upcoming election.  Both the Muslims and the Christians are mobilizing their people.  There are many concerns and Nigeria needs us to pray for the country. Christians in the north have been told by Muslims that if the Christian candidate wins they will be killed and their houses burned.
  • Pray for preparation for the MBB conference in October.  Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom on how this conference can come together.  Pray for those they are training to use the MBB materials as they prepare for the conference, and also use the materials now in their communities.
  • Pray for a whole village of about 100 people in Northern Nigeria who have all decided to turn from Islam to follow Jesus. They asked FFICM to train them how to follow Jesus. This week we are training some of their leaders from the village how to train others in their village. Pray that the training will be successful and that the whole village will grow in their faith and that they will remain strong.
  • Continue to pray for the security situation and the food shortages of the Nigeria.  This is affecting the ministry directly.  
  • Pray for Zaka, a friend of FFICM Nigeria director Peter Wash who has recently decided to rededicate his life to Christ. Zaka spent many years in the military and although he once was following the Lord faithfully, he has wandered for many years, but is now recognizing the need to come back to the Lord. Pray for Peter as he meets weekly with Zaka and shares with him using the FFICM new believer materials. Praise God for the hunger that Zaka has to grow and mature spiritually.
  • Pray for Sam as he meets with a football team as they are eager to meet with Sam and learn more about Christ.  Sam asks for prayer that “God will use him to rescue some.”  Sam was able to visit with these young men yesterday and they are very excited to bring friends and to continue this work with Sam.
  • Pray: The training with the EYN will be in August at the EYN headquarters.  Pray for Reverend Musa Ambaya who needs prayers for his health.  He is who Sam has been meeting with to put together these trainings.
  • Pray: We are still inviting people from all over Nigeria to conduct the trainers training.  We need prayers for this training and for all that goes into preparing for the training.  This training was supposed to be held next week, however, they need to reschedule for a new date.  Pray that they will be able to change to the new date
  • Pray for Ahmed as he has been in the studio this week recording teachings for the SeedPlayers.  Pray for strength, wisdom, and the flow of thoughts as he continues to work on these teachings.

Ongoing Muslim Outreach Ministry

  • Pray: TV and Radio Ministry — We continue to broadcast the TV and radio episodes that have been recorded to share about what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and are specifically made for people coming to Christ from a Muslim background. Continue to pray for the impact of these recordings, and for the FFICM staff as they work to follow-up those who are coming to Christ. The FFICM-Nigeria team is meeting in-person with these converts to support them in their new faith.

Prayer for the Nigeria Ministry Team

  • Peter Wash, National Director Nigeria
    • Pray for his wife’s egg business. Pray for the chickens and that this new business will be able to help support their family.  They are waiting to get a light to be able to give the chickens warmth.  They cannot get the chickens until they fix the light because it is the rainy season. They will probably need to wait until August.
    • Pray for daughters who are away, one in University and one in the service in Gombe, about 300 km away, pray that God will keep them safe as they are away.
    • Pray for his children as they are currently on holiday.
    • Pray for his daughter in University who will begin exams this week.
    • Pray for the schools as they have received threats from the Boko Haram this week.  Pray for safety as they finish their exams.
  • Samuel Chungwom, Trainer 
    • Praise/Pray: After a long period of drought, rain has begun. This is good for the gardens. But this means that people are going out to their gardens and criminals know this and are looking for isolated people in their gardens to attack and rob. Pray for safety. Update: Many farms are not yielding well and farmers are becoming worried. Sam’s extended family needs their crops to produce well for their food.
    • Pray for Sam as he prepares to go back to school in August.  Pray for balance between work, school, and family responsibilities.  Sam will be studying missiology.
    • Praise for the time that Sam was able to share with his parents yesterday.  He was able to visit with them as well as pray over them.
  • Zainab, part-time Trainer
    • Pray for the new believers, Blessing and Margaret, that she is leading in follow up over the next three months. Pray that “God will keep them safe and that after the 3  months, they’ll be rooted in Christ.” Praise that they are responding well and encouraging her with testimonies of how helpful the follow up is to them.
    • Pray for the Lord to provide financially as the prices are soaring higher and higher.
    • Pray for protection from the Boko Haram who is threatening attacks
  • Mercy Dawah, Nigeria Finance Coordinator    
    • Pray for her friend who has been staying with Mercy for some time.  The friend lost her father yesterday and will be traveling to her village.  Pray for comfort for her as well as safety as she travels
    • Pray for safety in the insecurity of the country as well as provision.
    • Pray for Mercy’s village as there was an attack by the Muslim Fulani herdsmen where 7-10 people were killed, including several of her relatives. Please continue to pray for peace in Nigeria.
    • Pray for strength and God’s leadership as she was given another leadership role in the church.
  • Ahmed, Nigeria Trainer
    • Praise: for the MBB training that went on last week.
    • Praise: 300 people accepted Christ last week in the community of Gembu.  Pray for them to have the boldness to put the faith they have into practice.
    • Pray for his wife who is pregnant and due next month. 


Program Updates

  • Pray for preparations for the new believer follow-up trainings in Wolkete August 8-12 and in Halaba and Holleta.
  • Praise and prayer request regarding vehicle purchase:  A vehicle has been found! It is brand new and is within our budget, and is available right away! The only thing we are waiting for now is the transfer of funds. The first time we tried to make the wire transfer, the funds got hung up for almost 2 months. We have transferred all the funds needed and most of them have arrived. Just waiting for the final funds to be received and then the vehicle should be purchased this week! Having this vehicle will significantly reduce the cost for going out and doing trainings and will make travel much safer.
  • Pray for wisdom as we work with Eskinder to prepare for travel to the US this Fall. We are hoping that he will be able to speak in person at our November fundraiser event!
  • Pray/praise for our trainees who are continuing to train others!  Especially the women!
  • Pray for Ethiopia as there is still a lot of unrest in the northern part of the country.  It is no longer only with the Tigray but now also with Oromia and the government.
  • Pray for the Hosanna area.  The regional church asked for training.  They are also asking for the True Gospel Conference next year.  Many people in Hosanna are going astray and following different kinds of things so they are calling and requesting the big conference and training for pastors, evangelists, and church members.
  • Pray for the 7 different areas that are being trained on a weekly basis where 1205 people are being trained by people that FFICM staff trained.
  • Praise God that the office staff is having better communication.  Continue to pray for us.
  • Pray that the Lord will provide more staff in Ethiopia.  We need more trainers in the country.  Pray for the development of the staff.  Eskinder is planning to have 1-2 more staff join the team in 2023.  Pray for the doors to open and for them to be able to hire staff as well as  part time staff.
  • Pray for Eskinder’s daughter Ana. They are having trouble finding a school that’s a good fit for her.
  • Continue to pray for our coming trainings.  Next week there will be a training in the Halaba area and then the following week in Bolkete 
  • Continue to pray for the country
  • Pray for Eskinder’s youngest daughter, Ana, who is sick with a flu like illness.

United States:

Strategic Development and ongoing ministry

  • Pray for the grant requests that Jerel is working on preparing to submit in the next few months.
  • Pray that we will be able to get our 2021 finance compilation finished this week. It has been delayed multiple times for various reasons. 
  • Pray: Pray for wisdom as FFICM continues to look for a new part-time bookkeeper in the US.
  • Praise: Our church status has been approved!!! — FFICM has applied for church status here in the US. The was  submitted months ago! This will allow us to be able to have all of our staff receive the ministerial housing allowance and will have other tax and financial benefits for us as an organization.  
  • Pray: International Director of Prayer — We are praying that God will provide a volunteer International Director of Prayer for FFICM. We would love to have someone to take charge and develop this crucial area of ministry even more. Pray that God would raise the right person up for the job.
  • Pray we are working to get our financial compilation finished so we can finish our 2021 990.
  • Pray for the upcoming trip to the East Coast this August 5-17, and for the opportunity to share the ministry with conferences and congregations around the area. Rich and Jerel plan to drive several thousand miles. August 7, at Faith Church in Elmer, NJ, there will be an evening service where we have the opportunity to meet with several churches at one time and in one place.
  • Continue to pray for our financial situation at FFICM as we spend time developing it as well as working on long term structures that will help us with finances and accountability. We praise God for several recent large donations, but we continue to look for God’s provision to enable FFICM to be able to continue to grow and expand. 
  • Pray for our team as we are writing new materials for the US audience.  Pray that God will give us wisdom and insight for what we can do to help new believers in the US and adapt our materials. Pray for the video series that we are working on for our American teachings.
  • Pray for doors to open to be able to share our ministry with individuals and churches.
  • Praise for the results of the 2 for 22 campaign.
  • Pray/Praise: Our organization is growing, and we need prayers as we listen to where God is leading us and calling us. Pray for us as we experience growing pains.  It is an exciting time, but we need to be covered in prayer as we move forward.
  • Pray for understanding and grace for our team as we come together for one goal, but come with different ideas and ways of thinking.

Ministry Partners

  • Carly Powne, US Based International Trainer —
    • Continue to pray for Carly to be at 100% monthly support — We pray that God will continue to bring a full team of prayer and financial partners for Carly so she can focus fully on her role as an International Trainer with FFICM. Praise God for those who have already signed up to be part of her prayer and financial support team. Praise God she is currently at 70% of her needed monthly support. Once she gets up to full support she can increase the number of trainings she is involved with. 
    • Pray for Lane, her 3 year old cousin who is like a nephew to her.  Lane was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and is struggling daily to take his medication.  Please pray for Lane as he is an active boy, and a lot has changed in his life in a short time.  Please pray for his family as well: Mom, Dad, and 3 sisters.
    • Praise for a successful, safe trip home.  She had a great time spending time with family and friends as well as was able to preach at a church and build a connection there.
    • Pray for wisdom on when to travel overseas for an extended period of time, when and where.
  • Jerel Skeith, Director of Strategic Relationships
    • Pray for upcoming East Coast tour and for the travel involved
  • David Moore, Director of Operations 
    • Pray: Son Andrew was released early from a residential treatment center in SW Washington due to his lack of compliance. He is back in Juvenile Detention and they are not sure what will be the next steps. Pray that God turns his heart to Himself. Pray that he makes good choices and moves toward health. 
    • Praise! David, Hannah, and Asher’s passports have been delivered! They are now just 1 month away from their trip to Indonesia to celebrate the New Testament dedication there and to talk to pastors and leaders there about the work of FFICM.
    • Pray/Praise for the opportunity to share about FFICM with a supporting church in Washington next weekend.
  • Rich Gardner, President 
    • Pray for his family situation.
    • Pray for the finances of FFICM. We desire to continue to grow and expand and we need wisdom in knowing how to grow our financial base so we can continue to expand the ministry globally.
    • Pray for Rich as he adapts FFICM’s training material into videos for Westerners.
    • Pray: Rich’s daughter, Dara Searcy-Gardner, continues to struggle with debilitating asthma. With the failure of the first medication, she’s needed to try a new medicine; however, the insurance is refusing to pay for it. Pray that the insurance company would change their response so Dara could receive the treatment she needs. She’s unable to work and barely able to function. She is asking us to pray that the medication would conquer the asthma. We pray for complete healing. On top of all her other health issues, she was recently diagnosed with covid. Pray for full and quick recovery. In the past week she was taken to the emergency room by ambulance. Continue to pray for healing and recovery.
    • Pray for his family vacation.  Pray for their family time as all of the kids and grandkids will be together for 5 days.
  • Rick Cordell, Adjunct Trainer from US
    • Pray: Rick as he has a lot of work to finish before traveling back to Nigeria at the end of August.  Pray for God’s blessing on the preparation as it looks and feels overwhelming at this point.
    • Pray for Rick as he plans to meet face to face with several churches and individuals  who have been supporting his ministry.  Pray that the time together will be fruitful.
    • Pray for Rick’s time with his son next week as they sail around the island where they used to live and visit the church he used to work at
  • Deborah Sezov, FFICM US Board member 
    • Pray for the August 7th (6:00) presentation at Faith OP Church in Elmer, NJ. Pray for logistics as we work to invite churches and plan the evening.
    • Pastor Andrew – Pray that all will go well so that he can start his CAR t-cell therapy on August 30.
    • Pastor Ellis – Praise God that he has been able to preach despite his 5 broken ribs. Pray for complete healing and no additional complications.
