Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Weekly Prayer and Praise November 1, 2022

November 1, 2022

Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners!

This week Jerel shared from Psalm 108.  He shares that we want everything that we say and do to reflect who God is.  Often it feels like the relational side of evangelism is silenced but David says “I will sing praise to you among the nations.”  We will tell the world how great God is!

Highlights from this week’s update:

  • Praise: Eskinder made it safely to his class in North Carolina.  He was nervous about traveling, but made it through with no problems.
  • Pray for the plans, preparations, and attendance at the FFICM Gala, “Draw Near” coming up on November 5th in Beaverton, Oregon. Eskinder Alemayehu, our Ethiopian National Director, will be our special guest, in person, there. Our year-end fundraising goal is $130,000. We are still looking for volunteers to help with this event, if you know of any students looking for service hours please send them our way.
  • Pray for those who will be joining us for the FFICM Gala whether in person or online at
  • Pray: The Nigerian team is working on putting together a mini conference with MBB converts in Katsina from November 7-11. Ahmed is planning topics. Peter asks, “Continue to pray that God will use us ahead of the activities He has for us.”

Program Updates

  • Praise: Eskinder made it safely to his class in North Carolina.  He was nervous about traveling, but made it through with no problems.
  • Pray: Eskinder has a presentation this week for his doctorate program.
  • Praise: Eskinder arrived in the U.S. safely last week. After some initial concern that he wouldn’t be let in the country because immigration officials at O’Hare said he wasn’t eligible to come until May, they did realize their mistake and approve his entry, and he is on his way to Portland, Oregon from Chicago. Pray that he will have a blessed time here over the next 4+ weeks. Pray for his wife and children back in Ethiopia. Please also pray for wisdom in scheduling his time. We are planning to have him speak in-person at our November fundraiser event! We are working on figuring out how his time will divide between Oregon, Washington, east coast and possibly some points in between.
  • Pray for the women who were trained over the last month and for the impact they will make in their homes and communities.

Program Updates

  • Pray for the upcoming training Joel will be doing Nov 28-Dec 1 using the FFICM new believer follow-up materials in Tanzania. Pray that he will be able to get the materials he needs.
  • Praise: Thank you for your prayers!  Joel and his family are feeling much healthier.
  • Pray for materials for training and for resources for FFICM in Kenya. In addition to his upcoming training in Tanzania, Joel has been invited to return to Masai, and he has been training Ugandans over Zoom. There are requests for even more trainings. Joel needs resources for materials to make this happen.
  • Pray for Joel as he is recruiting a couple in Masai to be a part of his team
  • Pray for Joel’s family as they balance work and ministry as well as other challenges.
  • Pray for Joel as he continues to work on his MA in Global Evangelism through Multnomah University remotely online.


Nigeria Program Updates

  • Praise: Last week Peter trained about 175 new seminary students at Gindiri Theological Seminary. Rick also did a mini training for about 15-20 faculty and administrative staff. This represents more than half of the faculty and included the board chairman. Rick reports that the training was  “very well received and very positive.” They plan to go back in March.
  • Pray: This week the team is working on writing up reports from the past three weeks of ministry. They are also preparing for the national outreach that will be coming up in Bauchi State.
  • Pray: Ahmed is meeting this week with several new believers from Muslim backgrounds who have responded to our radio ministry in Nigeria. Pray for safe travel, good connections, and long-term fruit from their encounter.
  • Pray: Peter has been doing new believer follow-up with Victor. He had previously been deceived by his pastor. His pastor told him that he needed to give him money to find a wife. Later he was given one of our follow-up booklets, called the number on it, and prayed with Peter to repent of his sins and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. Peter has been working with him for 3 weeks.
  • Pray for a new convert, Ahmed, who gave his life to Christ 5 years ago but had been practicing Christianity secretly. He was found out and was beaten. He, his wife, and 2 children have been moved to Jos for safety. Peter is trying to find them a room to rent.
  • Pray: The Nigerian team is working on putting together a mini conference with MBB converts in Katsina from November 7-11. Ahmed is planning topics. Peter asks, “Continue to pray that God will use us ahead of the activities He has for us.”
  • Pray for those in Bauci doing outreach with New Life For All.

General Nigeria Prayer Requests

  • Continue to pray for the Nigeria team to find a good Operations Manager/Office Manager. Pray that God would show them the way forward. Pray for unity of mind and planning with the Nigerian board of trustees and staff as they make this decision. 
  • Pray: Tensions are rising ahead of the upcoming election in February 2023.  Both the Muslims and the Christians are mobilizing their people.  There are many concerns and Nigeria needs us to pray for the country. Christians in the north have been told by Muslims that if the Christian candidate wins they will be killed and their houses burned.
  • Pray: Kidnappings are increasing at an alarming rate in Nigeria. Sam reports that the roads in Nigeria are bad. “When you travel and come back, it’s a thing of praise. . . . Nevertheless, that will not stop us from doing the ministry work. . . . [We] are trusting God to help and protect us.”

Ongoing Muslim Outreach Ministry

  • Pray: TV and Radio Ministry — We continue to broadcast the TV and radio episodes that have been recorded to share about what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and are specifically made for people coming to Christ from a Muslim background. Continue to pray for the impact of these recordings, and for the FFICM staff as they work to follow up those who are coming to Christ. The FFICM-Nigeria team is meeting in-person with these converts to support them in their new faith. People continue to call the office every week in response with questions about what is shared and God is impacting many lives. 

Prayer for the Nigeria Ministry Team

  • Peter Wash, National Director Nigeria
    • Pray for communication between his two universities as he works to get his transcripts corrected.
    • Pray: He is doing his Doctoral classes this week virtually via Zoom. This makes for late nights and lots of screen time.
  • Samuel Chungwom, Nigeria Lead Trainer 
    • Pray for Sam as he continues classes for his Master’s degree in Missiology while continuing to serve full-time with FFICM in Nigeria. Pray for balance between work, school, and family responsibilities. Sam is very burdened with assignments and is only getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night. He was weakened with fever today. Pray that he will find time to sleep and will stay well. Pray that he will absorb material well and that completing his assignments would go smoothly as God recalls to his mind what he has learned.
    • Pray as he is leading 13 teens in new believer follow up.  He and his wife are teaching and leading this small group. 
    • Pray as he continues to write his thesis proposal.  Pray that it will be approved. He is hoping to study/write about how to do new believer follow-up specifically with new believers from a Muslim background.
    • Praise: Sam’s father’s health continues to improve.
  • Mercy Dawah, Nigeria Finance Coordinator    
    • Pray for safety in the insecurity of the country as well as provision.
    • Praise that she and her daughter are recovering from malaria. Her daughter had to be hospitalized, but she is doing better.
  • Zainab, Nigeria part-time Trainer
    • Praise: 19 students graduated yesterday from her cooking and discipleship training class.
    • Praise God for one of her students who is Muslim and asking questions about God and what she is learning through the follow up curriculum. 
    • Pray for Zainab Idris the new convert. that the Lord will be with her and her love for Jesus will be strong.
    • Praise: Her husband has been sick but is feeling better now. 
  • Ahmed, Nigeria Trainer
    • Pray: This week Ahmed is in Gombe for 3 days to meet with new MBBs. These are men who have been listening to Ahmed’s radio broadcasts. They have been calling and talking with Ahmed and want to meet with him. Peter asks that we pray for “journey mercies and protection” since this is a primarily Muslim area.  
  • Rick Cordell, Adjunct Trainer from US
    • Pray for Rick as he is serving with FFICM in Nigeria until early December 2022.
    • Pray for a Bible Marathon coming up on Sunday with some Nigerians and short term SIM staff.

United States:

Strategic Development and ongoing

  • Pray for the plans, preparations, and attendance at the FFICM Gala, “Draw Near” coming up on November 5th in Beaverton, Oregon. Eskinder Alemayehu, our Ethiopian National Director, will be our special guest, in person, there. Our year-end fundraising goal is $130,000. If you are unable to join the event in person, please join us online at
  • Pray for us to be able to find last minute volunteers to help with the Gala coming up on Saturday.  If you know anyone who would like to volunteer with serving please contact [email protected].  This is a great opportunity especially for high school students who may need service hours.
  • Pray for our team as we are developing new materials for the US audience.  Pray that God will give us wisdom and insight for what we can do to help new believers in the US and adapt our materials. Pray for the video series that we are working on for our American teachings.  
  • Pray for someone to help take over some of Rich’s responsibilities.  Pray that he will be able to hand over some of his responsibilities so he can concentrate on developing strategies with the international team.
  • Pray for a development representative to be able to help Jerel work out details in his job.
  • Pray for the ability to raise $130,000 at the end of this year to help launch the ministry into the 2023 with a strong financial foundation.  Pray for the partners and champions who have helped to fund most of the ministry for the year.  Pray for those relationships. Pray that we will remain kingdom first and people first.  Pray that God goes before us in all of these areas.
  • Pray: We are working on projecting our 2023 budget. Pray for wisdom as we work to pull together pieces of this from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, and the US.

Ministry Partners

  • Carly Powne, US Based International Trainer
    • Continue to pray for Carly to be at 100% monthly support — We pray that God will continue to bring a full team of prayer and financial partners for Carly so she can focus fully on her role as an International Trainer with FFICM. Praise God for those who have already signed up to be part of her prayer and financial support team. Praise God she is currently at 75% of her needed monthly support. Once she gets up to full support she can increase the number of trainings she is involved with. 
    • Pray for Lane, her 3 year old cousin who is like a nephew to her.  Lane was recently diagnosed with Leukemia.  Please pray for Lane as he is an active boy, and a lot has changed in his life in a short time.  Please pray for his family as well: Mom, Dad, and 3 sisters. 
    • Pray: Carly is also looking at the possibility of a future extended period of time overseas on an upcoming trip. Pray for wisdom as she explores this possibility for sometime in 2023.
  • Jerel Skeith, Director of Strategic Relationships
    • Pray for ongoing life, family and ministry.
  • David Moore, Director of Operations 
    • Pray: Continue to pray for David’s son Andrew who is still participating in a 3-month wilderness therapy program.  He is now 7 weeks through the program, and is continuing to struggle, but it sounds like his therapist is making strides of progress with him. This program has changed a lot of people, and we pray that it will help him to make the changes in thought and action that he needs to make. Praise God for His provision of the needed finances so far, as this is a very expensive program. Pray that the staff would have wisdom in knowing how to work well with Andrew and help him to process his thoughts and feelings. He is scheduled to complete this program on December 12th and we are working on “what next.”
    • Pray: As a family they have many transitions that they are in the midst of and on the cusp of.
  • Rich Gardner, President 
    • Pray for his family situation.
    • Pray for Rich as he adapts FFICM’s training material into videos for Westerners.
    • Pray: Rich’s daughter, Dara Searcy-Gardner, continues to struggle with debilitating asthma. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance yet again yesterday. With the failure of the first medication, she’s needed to try a new medicine; however, the insurance is refusing to pay for it. Pray that the insurance company would change their response so Dara could receive the treatment she needs. She’s unable to work and barely able to function. She is asking us to pray that the medication would conquer the asthma. We pray for complete healing.
  • Deborah Sezov, FFICM US Board member 
    • Pastor Andrew – Pray for healing from non-Hodgkin’s diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Praise: Pastor Andrew was able to lead the worship service and preach again this past Sunday (two weeks in a row since getting out of the hospital)! Pray: His kidney function is very poor, and he needs dialysis 3 times a week. Please pray that the CAR T cell therapy will eradicate the cancer and that his kidney function would improve. Pray for his wife, 4 year old son, and 2 year old twins.