Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Weekly Prayer and Praise September 14, 2022

Prayer In Real Time

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

Greetings FFICM Prayer Partners!

Jerel shared from Paul Tripp’s “New Morning Mercies.”  Grace means that you can never say it’s too hard, you’ve been left on your own, or that you don’t have enough.   What is God’s best gift of grace?  Himself.  The only gift that could meet our need could not be an it or a thing, it would be Him.  God continuously gives us Himself and His grace.  You are never alone, and you are never without the resources you need.

In this world we may have troubles, but God gives us peace.  Grace covers the cracks and crevices of things unseen.  His grace is sufficient.

Highlights from this week’s update:

  • Pray that God will give our Nigerian staff success as they plan for the open house at the end of this month.  Pray that God will touch the hearts of those who have been invited and that they will find ways to partner with and support the ministry.
  • Pray for Joel in Kenya who is recruiting a couple from Masai to be a part of his team of trainers.
  • Pray for wisdom as we work with Eskinder to prepare for travel to the US this Fall.


Program Updates

  • Pray for the upcoming October Womens trainings.  We will be training 50 women in each place. We will be in Awassa for two weeks as we train women to be trainers and they will hold their first training, and then another training in Woleto.
  • The war in the north has started for a third time.  Pray for the Ahmara people, the Afar people, and the government.  The fighting has been heavy in these areas.  The Tigray are continuing to fight in the Ahmara and Afar areas as well.  The war is heavy and many people are dying.  They say that war is culture for them, but they are killing men, women, and children.  Pray for them as they do not know what will happen in that region.
  • Pray for Alemitu has been calling Eskinder asking for follow up materials so that she can continue to follow up with new believers.  She would like help and support for her work.
  • Pray for wisdom as we work with Eskinder to prepare for travel to the US this Fall. We are planning to have him speak in-person at our November fundraiser event! We are working on figuring out how his time will divide between Oregon, Washington, east coast and possibly some points in between. Pray for wisdom as we hope to purchase his airline tickets in the next week or two.  
  • Pray that the Lord will provide more staff in Ethiopia.  We need more trainers in the country.  Pray for the development of the staff.  Eskinder is planning to have 1-2 more staff join the team in 2023.  Pray for the doors to open and for them to be able to hire staff as well as  part time staff.
  • Praise: We purchased the car for the work of the ministry in Ethiopia!!! Eskinder now has the car at his house and is learning how to drive.  
  • Pray for the E-Team global forum happening the week of September 19.  They will be using the FFICM materials as a part of the outreach program.
  • Praise for the Ethiopian New Year Celebration this last weekend.


Nigeria Program Updates

  • Pray for the FFICM Nigeria Open House day coming up September 24th, where they will be sharing about the ongoing work of the ministry in Nigeria and working to raise prayer and financial support from within Nigeria. Pray for God to connect the staff with people that they intend to invite.  Pray as the team works on inviting people this week, that people will be open and receptive and that they will be able to grow in ministry with partnerships.  Pray that they will be able to make connections and invite people who will support and partner with the ministry of FFICM.
  • Continue to pray for the Nigeria team to find a good Operations Manager/Office Manager. Pray that God would show them the way forward. Pray for unity of mind and planning with the Nigerian board of trustees and staff as they make this decision. 
  • Pray: Tensions are rising ahead of the upcoming election in February 2023.  Both the Muslims and the Christians are mobilizing their people.  There are many concerns and Nigeria needs us to pray for the country. Christians in the north have been told by Muslims that if the Christian candidate wins they will be killed and their houses burned.
  • Pray for churches to open up to conduct trainings.  Pray for the Nigerian staff as they reach out to churches to partner with.
  • Pray for Yusuf who is trying to start his own ministry and wants to partner with FFICM.  Pray for wisdom as they look at the way forward and how they can do things together.
  • Pray for the staff as they will be part of the New Life For All conference this week.  Pray that God will use them as they train the evangelists in new believer follow up.
  • Pray for the MBB conference that was canceled.  Although God led us to cancel the event, there are still some hurts over the fact that we are not moving forward with the event at this time.
  • Pray that we will be able to execute what we plan ahead.
  • Pray for donors and assistance to be able to continue God’s work.  Pray that when He speaks we will listen and that we will follow His direction.
  • Pray that God will give us success as we plan for the open house at the end of this month.  Pray that God will touch the hearts of those who have been invited and that they will find ways to partner with and support the ministry.
  • Pray for our families and our staff.
  • Pray for Sam’s studies in missiology.  Travel to and from classes has not been easy, nor have the classes been easy.
  • Pray that the Muslim converts will stay receptive to Christ and stay in their own communities- not run away, but that God will work in their hearts as Christians and empower them to endure persecution and influence their communities.  Pray for the MBB converts to change their mindsets from expecting a handout to receiving the blessing they receive from God.
  • Pray for Peter to find an assistant to be able to take over some of his responsibilities. 

Ongoing Muslim Outreach Ministry

  • Pray: TV and Radio Ministry — We continue to broadcast the TV and radio episodes that have been recorded to share about what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and are specifically made for people coming to Christ from a Muslim background. Continue to pray for the impact of these recordings, and for the FFICM staff as they work to follow-up those who are coming to Christ. The FFICM-Nigeria team is meeting in-person with these converts to support them in their new faith. People continue to call the office every week in response with questions about what is shared and God is impacting many lives.

Prayer for the Nigeria Ministry Team

  • Peter Wash, National Director Nigeria
    • Pray for his wife’s egg business. Pray for the chickens and that this new business will be able to help support their family.  The chickens are still not laying eggs so the business has not yet taken off.
    • Pray for daughters who are away, one in University and one in the service in Gombe, about 300 km away, pray that God will keep them safe as they are away.  
    • Pray for the younger children who are home until September 17 when they return to school.
  • Samuel Chungwom, Nigeria Lead Trainer 
    • Pray for Sam as he has gone back to school for a Master’s degree in Missiology while continuing to serve full-time with FFICM in Nigeria.  Pray for balance between work, school, and family responsibilities. 
    • Pray as he is leading 13 teens in new believer follow up.  He and his wife are teaching and leading this small group. 
  • Mercy Dawah, Nigeria Finance Coordinator    
    • Pray for safety in the insecurity of the country as well as provision.
    • Pray for Mercy’s village as there was an attack by the Muslim Fulani herdsmen where 7-10 people were killed, including several of her relatives. Please continue to pray for peace in Nigeria.  Continue to pray for her village who is living in fear as well as bereavement after these attacks.
    • Pray for strength and God’s leadership as she was given another leadership role in the church.
    • Pray as she is applying for a passport and an Ethiopian Visa.
  • Ahmed, Nigeria MBB Trainer
    • Praise:  His wife, Janet, gave birth to their baby.  Both mother and child are doing well!
  • Zainab, Nigeria part-time Trainer
    • Pray for the new believers, Blessing and Margaret, that she is leading in follow up over the next three months. Pray that “God will keep them safe and that after 3  months, they’ll be rooted in Christ.” Praise that they are responding well and encouraging her with testimonies of how helpful the follow up is to them.
    • Pray for protection from the Boko Haram who is threatening attacks
  • Pankeyes
    • Praise: Pankeyes was able to witness to friend, Abi.  He was going through a very tough time and God has used that time to draw him closer to Him.  They began follow up lessons last week.


  • Pray for the training going on this week in Mitaboni
  • Pray for materials for training and for resources for FFICM in Kenya
  • Pray for Joel as he is recruiting a couple in Masai to be a part of his team

United States:

Strategic Development and ongoing ministry

  • Pray: Pray for wisdom as FFICM continues to look for a new part-time bookkeeper in the US.
  • Pray: International Director of Prayer — We are praying that God will provide a volunteer International Director of Prayer for FFICM. We would love to have someone to take charge and develop this crucial area of ministry even more. Pray that God would raise the right person up for the job.
  • Pray for the plans and preparations for the FFICM golf tournament (October 10) in Portland, OR. Sign-ups will start soon for those interested.
  • Pray for our team as we are writing new materials for the US audience.  Pray that God will give us wisdom and insight for what we can do to help new believers in the US and adapt our materials. Pray for the video series that we are working on for our American teachings.  Rich was able to film the second half of one teaching yesterday.
  • Pray for the board as they work on updating our bylaws.
  • Pray for someone to help take over some of Rich’s jobs.  Pray that he will be able to hand over some of his responsibilities so he can concentrate on developing strategies with the international team.
  • Pray for a volunteer coordinator to take some of the responsibilities as well.
  • Pray for a development rep to be able to help Jerel work out details in his job.
  • Pray for the ability to raise a lot of money at the end of this year.  Pray for the partners and champions who have helped to fund most of the ministry for the year.  Pray for those relationships.  Pray that we will remain kingdom first and people first.  Pray that God goes before us in all of these areas.
  • Pray: As our organization grows we want to be sure to set a firm foundation and that this will be positive and not divisive.  Pray for our team as we make decisions and that we follow Christ first in everything we do.

Ministry Partners

  • Carly Powne, US Based International Trainer —
    • Continue to pray for Carly to be at 100% monthly support — We pray that God will continue to bring a full team of prayer and financial partners for Carly so she can focus fully on her role as an International Trainer with FFICM. Praise God for those who have already signed up to be part of her prayer and financial support team. 
    • Pray for Lane, her 3 year old cousin who is like a nephew to her.  Lane was recently diagnosed with Leukemia.  Please pray for Lane as he is an active boy, and a lot has changed in his life in a short time.  Please pray for his family as well: Mom, Dad, and 3 sisters. 
    • Pray for wisdom on when to travel overseas for an extended period of time, when and where.
  • Jerel Skeith, Director of Strategic Relationships
    • Pray for his family as they are back to school and work and getting used to the routine.
  • David Moore, Director of Operations 
    • Praise: Andrew/Ben voluntarily went into a new rehab program.  This program has changed a lot of people and this is a positive development for Ben.
    • Praise for his safe return from Indonesia. He was gone August 29th for two weeks together with kids Hannah and Asher. They will be met with pastors from two different denominations that have expressed interested in having FFICM come and doing training with their denominations in Indonesia. They were also part of the celebration/dedication of the New Testament in the Ambonese language on the island of Ambon where they lived as a family for 7 years when David was still with Wycliffe Bible Translators. 
  • Rich Gardner, President 
    • Pray for his family situation.
    • Pray for Rich as he adapts FFICM’s training material into videos for Westerners.
    • Pray: Rich’s daughter, Dara Searcy-Gardner, continues to struggle with debilitating asthma. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance yet again yesterday. With the failure of the first medication, she’s needed to try a new medicine; however, the insurance is refusing to pay for it. Pray that the insurance company would change their response so Dara could receive the treatment she needs. She’s unable to work and barely able to function. She is asking us to pray that the medication would conquer the asthma. We pray for complete healing.
  • Rick Cordell, Adjunct Trainer from US
    • Pray: He is flying from Portland to LA through Paris and on to Abuja on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Pray for him, the passengers on his flights, and for his luggage to arrive intact and on time.
    • Pray for Rick as this has been a tiring summer in Portland.  Pray that he will recover spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
    • Pray: Monday and Tuesday, September 19-20, he will be leading a two day workshop for pastors and ministry leaders in Abuja then will fly to Jos on Wednedsay.
    • Pray for Rick as he will have to move twice in two weeks as he settles in to Jos.
  • Deborah Sezov, FFICM US Board member 
    • Pastor Andrew – Pray for healing from non-Hodgkin’s diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Pray that his kidney function would improve and for wisdom for the doctors in whether or not to increase his chemotherapy in order to preserve his kidneys since the CAR T cell therapy is still 5 weeks away. Pray for his wife, 4 year old son, and 2 year old twins.
    • Pastor Ellis – Praise God that he has been able to preach despite his 5 broken ribs. Pray for complete healing and no additional complications.
    • Pray for the new school year as she homeschools her children and teaches logic at the co-op.

“Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor and further us with thy continual help, that, in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
-The Book of Common Prayer (1831)

Thank you for joining us in prayer!
