Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

January 24, 2022

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, 

This week, David shared with us from Psalm 33.  He encouraged us to have courage because of God’s goodness, to be reminded of God’s faithfulness, and to praise God in everything.  We encourage you this week to take the time to stop and thank God.  We thank you for being with us on this weekly prayer journey.

New highlights from prayer updates (noted in blue below): 


Nigeria Program Updates

Prayer for the Nigeria Ministry Team

Muslim Outreach Ministry

Safety amidst Dangerous Violence: 


Program Updates

United States:


Ministry Partners

Strategic Development

God’s love surround you, God’s Spirit guide you,
God’s whisper cheer you, God’s peace calm you,
God’s shield protect you, God’s wisdom arm you,
wherever God may lead you.