Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

December 27, 2021

Dear FFICM Prayer Partners, 

Today in our time of devotion, Rick shared his thoughts on group prayer.  He mentioned that we spend a lot of time asking God for things and reminded us that we need to take time to think about how God is bringing us together, putting us through different life circumstances, and to pray for wisdom in those circumstances.  Rick talked about James 1 when James talks about praying for wisdom.  Ask what God is doing in these situations.  What is God doing in our lives that God is trying to teach us or show us?  How does God want to use you?  Look to God in trust, in faith, in hope. 

New highlights from prayer updates (noted in blue below): 


Nigeria Program Updates

Prayer for the Nigeria Ministry Team

Muslim Outreach Ministry

Safety amidst Dangerous Violence: 


Program Updates

United States:


Ministry Partners

Strategic Development

Praise: Mission ConneXion opportunity — FFICM has been asked to serve as the workshop track coordinator for Mission ConneXion’s NW 2022 conference. The “Discipleship Basics” workshop track will be amazing! We hope to see you at the conference in our workshop track and at our booth on January 21-22, 2022.