Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Donation Preferenced For The Ethiopia Vehicle

Public transportation, to an American, might sound like a responsible choice, and you might even hear the low car ownership as positive. But public transit in Ethiopia, is crowded (which in the corona era is dangerous) and often the drivers are reckless, there aren’t enough seatbelts,
and break downs in dangerous areas can lead to other challenges, so car accidents are a huge risk. Help our Ethiopia team avoid the dangers of third world public transit, and give them the blessing of a safe efficient vehicle for the years of ministry ahead. 

Thank you for donating to the Ethiopia vehicle fund! Through your generosity, we hope to transport our team safely to remote locations to share the gospel and train many more to follow-up with new believers.

Update: Praise God! So far we have about $30,000 of the needed $35,000 for this vehicle! We praise God for what He has provided so far and we look forward to seeing Him provide the remainder!

Donation Preferenced for Ethiopia Vehicle

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About The Project

Our Ethiopia team desperately needs a vehicle, as public transportation is unsafe and unreliable. This is a formidable financial hurdle! Because the government classes cars as luxury items, even a used vehicle will cost 200% more in Ethiopia than in the US. Please consider donating towards the Ethiopia vehicle fund! In the coming year, we hope to reach 14 unreached tribal groups in the south, as well as neighboring countries like Kenya, Sudan, and Somalia, and a vehicle will help us take the materials and trainers to these locations safely!