Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus


Gindiri training started with around 110 people, they went out for an outreach, pray for them! The report is that the trainees are very attentive and focused. Pray for strength and wisdom for the trainers.The registrar we have been working with has been transferred, pray for a good working relationship with the next registrar! The man we are working with is hoping to connect us with other COCIN theological schools.

Pray for Osang’s wife, Rejoice, who is 8 months pregnant! Pray for a safe delivery and health for the baby and Rejoice. 

Change of name for the organization in Nigeria finally went through praise God! It is now Firm Foundation in Christ Ministries Africa

Pray for our trainees! A lot of our former trainees have come to ask for more materials, as they continue to train more people. 

Next week our team is going to Kagoro to Ecwa theological school to train 80 theological students; pray that everything will go well, and for God’s protection on the road and during the training.  

Pray for God’s protection over our vehicles, that God would put everything in order.

The outreach in the north was successful, all the evangelists came back safely! Praise God. Peter is going to find out soon what the results were. 

Thank God for safety, when Peter was traveling recently, there was a high speed blowout, but as there were no cars nearby, they were able to get safely to the side, pray for this not to happen again! 

Pray for the Hausa Background Believer conference coming up on the 25th of November, the committee will be meeting on Thursday this week, pray God will give them wisdom as they deliberate on the issues surrounding the HBB program. 

Pray for the former Sheik, he traveled to Abuja, he wants to move to Abuja potentially. 


Please continue to pray for Florence and her husband! Praise God that he has experienced some increased ability to communicate. Please pray for healing. 

Please pray for all our trainees and trainers in Mbingo, including Dorcas, Linda, Lily, and many others, and the young evangelists in school such as Stanley and Hestin! Pray for God’s provision for their needs and for protection for them, and for encouragement in Jesus’ Name. 

Please pray for peace in the country, especially mercy for the English speaking areas. 


Please continue to pray for Eskinder’s health!

Please pray for peace in Ethiopia!

Please pray for encouragement and protection and continued strength for ministry for all the student trainees!


Continued prayer for Stacey’s knee! He is moving around pretty well but needs further healing.

Please pray for Stacey’s brother, the doctor has him going in for a bunch of tests because of his head injury from his fall. His insurance company won’t pay for the cancer treatment that would be better for him, even though the previous treatment is hurting him too much, pray for mercy. 

Praise God for Dara and Ian’s trip to Canada, it was a really encouraging time, and the kids were wonderful travelers. We really sensed God’s encouragement that Dara’s music will be used to worship the Lord and create openings to talk with people. 

Pray for the fundraiser which is coming up on the 16th of November, also pray for the matching grant effort, that God will provide! 

Pray for David’s son Benjamin who is going through a lot, and having issues with anger, and getting in trouble in school, and at least one time experimenting with drugs. Pray for God’s protection and mercy over his life. 

Pray for David’s father-in-law, who is also struggling with prostate cancer, he is in a lot of pain, and the doctors are trying to figure out the best course of action. His mother-in-law who is legally blind but has some sight, her eye is losing fluid from the eye, and she has lost even more of her vision. 

The contractor that was going to help David fix up the house so his in-laws can live there is delayed, pray for all this to go through.