Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Prayer and Praise ~ November 11


Gindiri Training went very well, praise God! The team worked very well together. 

Training in Kagoro turned out to be only one day, prayer for better communication in the future! Our team communicated well but there was a miscommunication on the other side. The class was very responsive, they learned the gospel card, and are eager to learn more. There were two district leaders who were present, who were interested in having trainings in their location

One of the students in the class is from Burkina Faso and contacted Peter and wants him to organize a training in Burkina Faso. He is going to keep in contact with Peter. Pray for wisdom and fruit from these communications

When Peter was coming back, his cousin’s brother lost his oldest son, Fom, he was in Bible school, he died of typhoid. His cousin has to go and tell his wife’s family, prayer for comfort for Peter’s family and the whole community.

When Peter visited his home church in the village, he discovered that a member of the church, a boy, died for no apparent reason yesterday. A lot of youth Peter used to disciple told him that they’re scared God isn’t going to protect them, that people are being killed by secret societies or witchcraft. They are considering turning to witchcraft to protect themselves.

There is a meeting to plan the Hausa Background Believer conference, on Thursday, pray that this will go well! The community in the state where it s going to be held needs some prayer that the money will come through and that everyone will be safe! Please pray for safety for all those who are traveling. 

On Saturday, people came from a church to meet with Peter, they had been talking with some of our partners from discipleship centers in Nigeria. They are interested in supporting some of the programs that have to do with helping new Muslim background believers financially! Pray that God will raise up more people to support us within Nigeria! 

We are going to be advertising the conference on the radio, pray for this time!

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, will be doing a shortened, modified training for three hundred 10-15 year old girls in Jos, from a boarding school. Comfort, and Zainab from Abuja (who has been using the materials) will be helping Sam. So important to give them hope and assurance, because a lot of the adults in their world don’t give them hope, because they face so many trials. Someone is giving them assurance from the word of God, try to look at the follow up and then how they can use it in their daily lives. 

Peter’s wife is doing much better, praise God! Please continue to pray for her healing! 

Continue to pray for all the new believers and newly dedicated believers (2,776) that resulted from the Bida outreach!


Please continue to pray for Florence and her husband! 

Please also pray for peace in the country!

Please pray for all of the scattered trainees and new believers, that the Lord would protect and encourage them. 

Pray for all the trainers in Mbingo, Linda, Lily, and many others!

Pray for Hestin, Stanley, and all the young evangelists trained this year!


Eskendir is trying to arrange a training early next year in an unreached area of Ethiopia, the churches there are helping to provide support. Pray for wisdom!

We are hoping to run a large conference,  pray that we can get it organized and fund!

Continue to pray for Ethiopia for peace! 


Fundraiser is on Saturday! Please pray that God provides for us all through this time! 

Dara’s best friend’s dad is getting a triple bi-pass on Wednesday, they are very concerned because he has dementia, and this can mean that he may not be himself when he wakes. Pray for him, for protection and for healing, and for the whole family. 
