Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ October 21-28

Praise and Prayer


Please pray for Peter’s wife’s health, she is having further symptoms of hepatitis! She has gone back to her parents’ village to try some herbal remedies. Please pray for Peter and his children while she is gone!

Pray for the outreach which is occurring this Saturday, 1200-1600 evangelists will begin ministering in Niger State in largely-unreached Nupe land, where we have prepared 75 church leaders ahead of time to follow up with new believers! Please pray for the Lord to prepare people’s hearts ahead of time, for safety, for grace from the Holy Spirit, and for health for everyone!

Pray for the year planning! The Nigeria office has a lot of opportunity to expand, but needs funding to back it, please pray that God provides above and beyond all we ask!

Pray for Rick Cordell, he’s transitioning to working primarily with us to working with Emmaus! Pray for us and for him as he makes that transition, that God will bless that.

At the beginning of November, FFICM will be doing a training with Gindiri Theological School, this has been a highly fruitful partnership, please pray! There is also a possibility our team can split up and run another training at Kagoro Bible School at the same time, please pray for wisdom, grace, and strength successful and  training is coming up on the fourth of November, pray for this training!

Comfort is also training in her church this week (20-30 people) as well as next week, Lord willing she will be training at EYN headquarters, an additional 20 people! Praise God for this, and pray for her for strength, grace, and protection.


Please continue to pray for our dear sister and partner, Florence, as she is still nursing her sick husband! Praise God for all her faithful work, and for that of her partners in ministry, the young evangelists and other leaders like Lily, Dorcas, Hilda, and Linda! 

Pastor Jisa has been transferred to French-speaking Cameroon, and would like to run some trainings there! Please pray for wisdom and for the resources to come through! 


Continue to pray for Eskendir and his health, praise God that he is doing better!

There has been some violence in the northern part of the country, pray for peace. 

Pray for Eskendir as he seeks the Lord about the plans for the coming year, staff to bring on board, trainings, and conferences. 


Stacey had surgery last week on his knee and is in recovery! He cannot put weight on it for more than fifteen minutes at a time, pray for full recovery!

Stacey’s brother has fallen and injured himself, related to the medication he is on for his cancer. He has some fluid in his brain, please pray for healing and for his family at this difficult time.

The USA team is working hard to meet our matching grant amount, which is $10,000 for monthly donations! Please pray that the Lord moves in people’s hearts to help us reach this goal. 

There is a group of twelve churches in the Dalles who are interested in us training their people ahead of a big outreach around Easter, pray for wisdom for our team as we consider this opportunity! We would need to invest time and staff to adjust our training materials and pattern for a US audience. 

Pray about planning and fundraising efforts for all teams as we look towards next year! 

Dara’s kids are both sick for the third time this month! Pray God ends this attack on their health.

Pray for David’s son, who is having a difficult time adjusting to his new school and in general, pray for wisdom for his family and grace for him.

Pray for David’s family as they prepare to have his inlaws move in with them!
