Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ October 7-14


  • Praise: Made it back to US. Currently in LA.
  • Meeting with a financial supporter and also with leaders from a partner organization
  • Tue morning: Biola Mission ConneXion speaker meeting
  • Tue lunch: Supporter


  • 70 people there for Niger state training the first day
  • They were expecting 200+, but many are still trying to get their harvest in before the season changes
  • Pray for HBB speaker
  • Niger state trainees are out evangelizing now
    • old city dominated by Islam for many years
  • Nigeria name change in process: Firm Foundation In Christ Ministry Africa
  • Comfort: Thanks be to God. So many tragedies along the highways, but God is good. Pray for perseverance and wisdom.
  • Pray for our staff member Mr. A has he deals with an MBB conference attendee started having trouble breathing on the way home. After arriving home, she was taken to the hospital then ended up dying there. The church who sent her to the conference, doesn’t know who her family is or where they are. There is a struggle about who will pay the burial costs. The church who sent her is refusing to pay. She was only in her 20’s.
  • Praise God for the courage the trainees having in sharing the gospel.


  • Yesterday sharing at CMBC
  • Stacey knee surgery on Oct 17th
  • Rick needs to resolve real estate situation by the end of this week
  • David working on planning  for next year
  • Matching grant letter going out
  • Planning underway for Fall Fundraiser, and it looks like we will be targeting our biggest ask ever


  • Pray or Eskinder and the ongoing work in Ethiopia. They have reports from only about half of the students so far, and are still waiting to hear from the rest of them as to how they used the training they got in July and how they used it to evangelize, follow-up and to train others.
  • Eskinder is working on plans for 2020. Pray for wisdom as he strategized together with the church leaders there in Ethiopia to figure out what to plan for next year.