- The former sheik and Ishaku are traveling to Jalingo this week to check on MBB converts; particularly two new converts, to discern what would be the best course of action for their situation. Pray for them for safe travel! They hope to be back in Jos by Friday.
- Last week the Nigeria team checked on a potential vehicle for the team! Hopefully we will be able to purchase it Monday—pray that it is the right one and everything goes smoothly! Praise God for his provision in the funds for this vehicle which will help our team immensely.
- Pray for upcoming elections, for peace throughout the country.
- In Maiduguri, the situation is very tense, Boko Haram members are filtering back into towns to vote! Everyone is nervous. Please pray that they do not cause any trouble. Comfort says the Christians in Maiduguri are looking only to God to help them in this situation.
- The English-speaking population has been ordered by the insurgency to stay inside, around their homes and not travel until the 14th of February. The freedom-fighters have been stealing from the population and kidnapping people. Mbingo is still relatively safe, as the expat missionaries are still there, pray that they are able to remain and that Mbingo is protected!
- Pray for peace. Today was youth day, usually they celebrate the youth and have parades, but the 2 English-speaking regions couldn’t do anything today, as they have all been confined.
- Praise God Florence’s family is safe. Any time they hear gunshots they run into the house. Florence’s husband is doing better but is still weak and cannot walk without falling. Pray for him for strength. Pray for their continued safety!
- Pray for young trainees and evangelists who are really bold to go out and preach. They just brought in their plan of actions for the first quarter! They will be having a lot of Bible studies and prayer. They will be going out in March for house to house evangelism. Pray for them that the HS will lead Florence and the other leaders as they teach the young people to put on the armor of God.
- They hoping to do a conference combination training in April, that those in Anjadua can take the bush road and come! Pray for peace.
- Pray that God and His angels will watch over children as they play and go to school.
- There are 34 people at the training, there will be 9 more Eritreans, Lord willing, tomorrow. Some of them had to go around a mountain to get here. Most of them are young, have a pastor who has been a pastor for 30 years. We told them we will take pictures but won’t put them on the internet! They are joyful and sing a lot, are happy to be here. Their prayer request were for those that are arrested and in prison. They have to do church at night time, many people are coming to Christ. Pray for them for protection!
- 11 churches were burned yesterday by Muslims, Alava, near Butajira. Pray for protection and for recovery for those who were burned!
- praise God so many are turning from idols and amulets (pictured above). Our trainees are hard at work and God is blessing them!
- Please pray for the Eritrean contingent, returning home by Saturday!!
- Praise God for the health of Dara’s kids
- We are getting ready for a planning meeting for a fundraiser tomorrow!
- Pray for Dara as she meets with more people from Beaverton Foursquare, hoping to let more people know about the ministry. They also dropped some of her support, and she’s hoping to hear why.
- Rick is planning on leaving in the next few weeks! Prayer for him.
- Stacey’s daughter has 3 more kidney stones. Her original tests got messed up, and so she needs to be retested so the doctors can discern what is going on. Pray for her healing!
- David’s wife, Denise, is leaving for a week to go to Arizona to help her parents with transitioning to Oregon. Pray for David as he takes care of his three kids, and his wife as she helps her parents!