Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ In Nigeria, USA, Cameroon, Ethiopia, God is at work!



  • In the Niger state training, a Muslim who became a Christian as a result of the trainees’ outreach, attended the whole training! We gave him a copy of the Bible at the end and the local pastor found someone to mentor him so that he will remain in the faith. The trainees were so glad and encouraged they promised to continue to use the materials. 
  • One of the trainees, a woman, teaches in the local high school, and has about 20 in her class that she has witnessed to. She is looking forward to using the materials to follow up with them! 
  • More than ten of the others were also teachers who are going to begin witnessing and using the materials with their students. 
  • Peter has recovered from his illness. 
  • The new believers from the Angwan Rukuba jungle (also known as “Bangon Shaitan” the “walls of Satan”) are now referring to the jungle as the New Jerusalem and are doing well, please pray for their continued growth in Christ!


  • The Nigeria team needs more workers for the office! Pray that God will help to choose those who will work there. 
  • The Nigeria team is in need of a safe and functional car for their journeys to trainings!
  • The printer they are using has been making mistakes. Prayer that the issues with the printer would cease. 
  • Samuel’s wife, Jessica is now 8 months pregnant! Prayer for the end of her pregnancy and the health of her and the baby and protection through delivery. 



  • Nicole has accepted a full-time position with a school for deaf children! Pray for her transition and for wisdom as she is hoping to still have time to work some with FFICM. 
  • We have a training coming up this week for our USA staff to help teach them to increase their financial support base. Prayer that God will use this training to help them provide for their families. 


  • Dara’s family is hosting a woman who has recently been the victim of domestic violence. Pray for protection for her, and for Dara’s household as the man will likely leave prison this week on bail. 
  • Rich is continuing to meet with experts on working with Muslim background believers to write a follow-up lesson tailored to their needs. Pray for wisdom!



  • FFICM Champions were moved by the stories of the refugees in Mbingo and privately contributed over $600 to buy food and clothes to help the local community support them! Praise God for their mercy and generosity. 


  • This week, we received tragic news from Mbingo. One of the young sons of the hospital staff in Mbingo was arrested by the army as they became angry with him for answering disrespectfully when they asked his name. They became suspicious that he was associated with the freedom fighters because of the names on his phone, and they took him away and killed him. Pray for his grieving family and for the community. 
  • Pray that the army and the freedom-fighters will be willing to dialogue to achieve a lasting peace. Our sister Florence mourns that, “Every time the army strikes, the freedom-fighters strike, and every time the freedom-fighters strike the army strikes, and it is the villagers that suffer”.
  • Pray that we will be able to find someone to do translation of the materials into French
  • We are hoping to bring a number of trainers from Cameroon to Nigeria to do a special in-depth program with them to further enable them to reach out to their fellow Cameroonians. Pray for wisdom in the process of choosing these trainers! 
  • Pray for those that have lost homes.



  • Everything is looking good for the training in July! We are planning to train 260 students in 6 weeks at 3 separate locations. 


  • For the trainees up in the refugee camps on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea! Pray that they will be able to use the new Tigre materials effectively. 