Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Sunny’s follow-up with our devoted trainees in Niger

Sunday Mallam, our Trainer and Organizer, recently took a trip to Niger to follow-up with those that we had trained last year. He asked each trainee a number of questions geared towards finding out what their needs are, and how we can continue to improve our trainings. Here are some of their replies:

Reverend H.–

The training has given me new ideas for reaching others with the gospel; the training is so simple to understand and attractive to the person you are to reach. I have been changed by experiencing the joy of seeing others understand what I present to them. The help I will need from you is to provide more of the training materials and to come back again for a refresher training! I have been training others, but I no longer have gospel and follow–up materials because one of my trainees has been using them… What I have learned, I am passing on to as many as I can. We have a school here and I use the materials with the students I interact with. It is helpful to have the materials in Hausa, but there are other languages we need the materials in as well. We also need prayer for the new converts as they face much opposition in their faith.

Pastor U–

I give thanks for the training, because it has given me more exposition on these topics than I received going through seminary. I like the eagerness to go out for the gospel that the training has worked in me. It has improved my relationship with all I meet with regarding the gospel. You can help me and others by coming back to give us more of such training. I have stopped the use of the usual Sunday school book teaching in Sunday school. We are now using the follow-up materials for the Sunday school classes for both adults and children. All of the adults that are leaders of various groups in the church have been trained in using the evangelism and follow-up materials, and I have asked them to use their own homes as a training ground, so they will reach out to their families. The Hausa is fine for me, but I would love to have the Fulani version if possible as well as the Fulani Bible. I have so many parishioners and converts that will want to hear it in the Fulani language.

Pastor S–

The training has helped me to interact better with those I am reaching out to with the gospel. As for my improvement in the future, I hope to attend another such training to help me the more. I am changed in my way of reaching the lost for the Lord. I need more of the materials. I have trained all my church members and have asked them to reach others with same message.

Pastor Y–

This training is truly a Godsend. It lifted me from my shallow method of reaching others with the gospel to a simple but effective way of evangelizing. I like its simplicity; I see my family changed also because of the training I did with them. It has improved my eagerness to reach others with the gospel. The materials seem to have a magic of attraction when I teach with them. I love it in Hausa.

We gave all of the pastors and workers that asked more materials, and are hoping to start the translations they’ve requested as soon as we can!
