Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

God’s powerful movement in Nekemte and Dembidolo!

This is the report so far from Nekemte and Dembidolo as to what the two groups of trainees have done with their training since last year! More reports continue to roll in, but as of now….

  • Collectively, they have trained 1,011 people how to use the gospel tracts and follow up with new believers.
  • As a result of their evangelistic work, 2,508 people have heard gospel message.
  • 843 people came to know Christ as their Lord and Savior, 281 of which have already been baptized. 
  • 74 people who had walked away from their faith have returned.
  • They planted 22 new churches, and are planning to plant 10 more.

Additional Encouragement and Prayer Requests:

All have reported that the trainings brought love and unity among the believers. As a result of this, denominations outside of the Kale Heywet denomination (which we have been collaborating with exclusively up until now) are requesting that the trainees come and train their people. Church attendance in Kale Heywet churches has been increasing.

One trainee took the initiative to translate the material into his own language, but he couldn’t figure out how to format the images. We will need to help him do this, so he can have the full benefit of the materials the way they are meant to function (one simple image per concept.)

The gospel tract and follow-up materials still need to be translated into the Oromo language as well, so that those who have been trained who work in Oromo areas can train the Oromo people to reach out to those who only speak Oromo!

Another evangelist prepared official certificates of completion for all those that he taught, and relayed that it highly encouraged his trainees. We’ll want to consider this for the future—it seems to be an effective way to encourage trainees in this culture.

Many people don’t have bibles in the Oromo language. We are considering supporting distribution of Oromo bibles to trainees.

As so many have come to Christ, the question of having places to meet to worship has become pressing for the local churches, particularly the new ones!

The continued political instability continues to present a challenge to the trainees and the new believers. Please pray for peace!

Eyasu is still collecting information regarding what the trainees from the Butajira and Arbaminch areas have done. He would like to plan two additional trainings in April and May, and wants to take trips to follow-up with the trainees from the Arbaminch, Butajira, and Jimma area trainees.

Praise God for the powerful ways he has moved through His people in Ethiopia! Please pray that we will have wisdom to know exactly how we can best support His work.
