Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Safe arrival in Bamenda, and a flood of eager trainees

We praise God for our team’s safe arrival in Cameroon! It was a difficult journey. The temperature on the trip soared above 100 degrees, and they could not make almost any stops because of the danger of kidnapping. The team sounds exhausted from dehydration during the journey, but thankfully the location where they are now are at a higher elevation and is cooler.

When they arrived, they found that many more trainees than had signed up were hoping to join. Rich’s group is going to try to train 190, by teaching into the night. Peter’s group will have at least over 120. Unfortunately, they’ve had to turn many people away, as they are already well over their capacity.

The team is staying at a hospital compound in Bamenda, and there are many doctors and nurses who are asking to join the training, because they want to minister to their patients. It is hard for our team to turn people away, but Lord willing, we can make a return trip to continue to offer trainings!

They all appreciate your prayers, and are excited by the level of enthusiasm in the region, despite the difficulties of the journey.

We will keep you updated as we hear more!

