Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Tri Country Outreach: Team Schedule

February/March Outreach

  • February 2nd: Rich leaves for Nigeria.
  • February 6-10: Nigeria Advanced Training

The team’s first stop in Jos, Nigeria is of great strategic importance. Head trainers from Niger, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Poland will meet together for an advanced training to ensure that all the trainers who are responsible for the quality and depth of FFICM’s trainings in each country are on the same page. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to move in power in this training, uniting our team members and bringing clarity and joy in the work that we all have been entrusted with!

  • February 10-12 Rich, Peter, Rick, and other members of the advanced training will travel by road to Cameroon.
  • February 13-17th Cameroon training

The training during the week of the 13th will take place simultaneously in two separate locations in Baminda, Cameroon. Rich will lead one training of over 100 leaders and evangelists with the aid of advanced trainers from the first group, and Peter will lead the other training of 100 leaders and evangelists, also with the aid of advanced trainers. This training, apart from serving as a practical for the advanced trainers, is also critical, as it will be the first training FFICM has run in Cameroon! The leaders in Cameroon have been a delight to work with, and are so eager to have FFICM work with them that they are funding all of the expenses for the training themselves, apart from the travel of our team members. Please pray for our team’s travel to Cameroon (which is a rough trip by road) as well as the border crossing. Please pray also that this excellent working relationship with the Cameroonians will continue, and that God will richly bless the training in response to their selfless eagerness to learn how to more effectively share the gospel and to follow-up with new believers!

  • February 18th: The team leaves Cameroon, and the West Africa contingent travels through Taraba state.
  • February 19th: Rich travels to Poland

Our West Africa team, led by Peter Wash and Rick Cordell, will travel again by car through Taraba state, Nigeria and will visit those areas that we trained in October that have requested additional trainings. It is particularly exciting for our team to return to Jalingo as the Lord has opened several doors for interdenominational cooperation in training in the area, as well as the training of the seminary students of Gindiri Theological School. Please pray that the Lord will continue to demonstrate his sovereignty in the area by bringing continued collaboration between denominations (which was a huge stumbling block for the first training in Jalingo) for the work of evangelism and follow-up.

Rich will travel to Poland, where Roman has business to attend to before the trip to Russia. Please pray that Rich receives his visa to Russia at this point! Rich also is hoping to connect with a pastor and seminary leader that he had met before in Poland to explore the possibility of partnering with him.

  • February 22nd-March 9, Rich and Roman travel to Russia

Rich and Roman will work together in Russia! For more information on the Russia schedule in order to pray, e-mail [email protected].

Thank you for your prayers and continued support! God bless you.


