Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Faithful Trainees and the Work of the Lord



This is Abraham, he was trained at our most recent training in Butajira. He served in the local church for 12 years before becoming the missions department head of 1,307 local churches in the largest evangelical denomination in Ethiopia! He told us that the thing that makes FFICM’s training unique is that it is very practical–you can take what you have learned and immediately put it into use. He believes that this training will make it much easier for them to be successful in ministry. It is his goal to train all 1,307 local pastors in evangelism and follow-up. He is also in charge of equipping missions and witnessing groups that meet four times a year to go out and evangelize. He wants to train all of these groups as well, and encourage them to train others! He has many more plans for the training and those who work with him. May God bless his work.

For his full testimony about the training and his plans, click here, and for his brief, heartfelt thank-you and invitation click here!

To donate to send a trainee to a training in Nigeria or Ethiopia, you can either send a check to FFICM, and write “send trainee” in the description, or you can donate online and send Dara a note as to how you would like to designate your funds at [email protected]!
