Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Equipping the Church through Follow-up Materials


This pastor was trained last year through FFICM’s outreach in Niger. He testified that this training was unlike any other that he had ever experienced. He said that these materials are exactly what they need, and better than all other gifts that they have ever received, even clothing and food. He said that clothing, when you use it, becomes old, but these materials, and the fruit that will come from them will stand the test of time. To hear his testimony in his own words, click here!

To donate $20 to provide materials for a hundred people in follow-up classes, either send a check to FFICM and write in “follow-up materials”, or donate online, and send Dara an e-mail at [email protected] with a note as to how you would like your funds to be used!
