Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Solar Powered Audio Bible Players

You can make an impact!

The solar powered audio Bible players we have been sending to Nigeria are making a difference! People are listening to the Bible and solid Biblical teaching. Lives are being changed. We continue to get amazing reports from those who have these devices.

Our colleagues in Nigeria are asking us to send more! We have already brought over 200 this year, but there is still a need for more. We distribute these with the Bible in local languages as well as the solid Biblical teaching we have been broadcasting on there on the radio.

These solar powered audio Bible players have a 3D printed shell and are an inexpensive way of giving people access to God’s Word and solid Biblical teaching. Every $10 you give, can buy one of these devices. The ones we are distributing overseas have the audio Bible in one or more of the local languages as well as solid Biblical teaching. 

Thank you for helping reduce the barriers to people develop deep and meaningful relationships with God!


2019 solar audio Bible recipients

Solar Powered Audio Bibles

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This method uses credit card details saved in your browser or digital wallet.


Small cost, huge impact!

By giving to this cause, you are giving people the opportunity to hear the gospel, commit their lives to Jesus, and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Your contribution is changing lives!​

This contribution is made with the understanding that Firm Foundation In Christ Ministries (FFICM) has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. If FFICM cannot honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed. FFICM is an interdenominational, non-sectarian, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit mission organization, and a member of the ECFA. No goods or services were or will be provided to you in exchange for this contribution. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you for your partnership!