Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ February and early March


  • The Boko Haram have carried out multiple bombings this week in Maiduguri, causing many casualties, but the the government has denied it. Prayer for safety for Comfort and her friends, and for all the vulnerable people in Maiduguri.
  • In Jos, people are so nervous about the elections, some aren’t going to work, people are hesitant and afraid about what may happen when the election results are announced. Some schools are also closed. Pray that God will help people to be calm.
  • People are hoping for representatives for Jos North, hoping for a Christian representative in a largely Christian population. The opposition is trying to not count votes from Christian areas. Please pray for fair representation that makes for peace.
  • Sheik Yusuf went to a discipleship center up north and was able to meet with one of the converts that they were discipling there. Somebody from Kano gave Yusuf the number of a new MBB. There were Christian boys who worked for this MBB, one day the boys asked him for an offering to give in the church, anything he felt like giving to God for appreciation, so he gave them 50 Niara. They went to the church and came back, bringing gospel tracts, so he read the tract that night. After this, he had three nights of dreams where he saw 3 people with white clothes, and one spoke to him “the way you are following is not the right way, come to the right way and take care of my flock”. He was confused, so when he talked to somebody they referred him to an evangelist. Pray for him, his name is Isa!
  • Praise God, Peter’s wife is doing much better! She is not having any problem with her body, and there is great improvement in her health, she’s gaining back weight. Everyone’s families are healthy in Jos, praise God.


  • Rick needs prayer for his plane connection, very short time frame, leaving Saturday for Nigeria!
  • Pray for Rich’s connections with major supporters in California.
  • Praise that Dara’s family is better! Praise also that Dara’s friend’s newborn baby Charlotte is doing better, last week she almost died in her crib from polycythemia, but they checked her and were able to rush her to the hospital in time, and she’s doing much better!
  • This past week Dara, David, Ken, and Linda met with Jamie St., the director of I-Tech. We can continue to pray for the preparations for the training coming up in May.
  • David will be sharing with 2 major supporting churches who are having missions conferences, this coming weekend, prayer for safe travel and missions conferences.


  • Pray for Florence, she is running a major bible study and training in Mbingo!
  • Pray for peace and protection for Mbingo and the surrounding areas.


  • The training with the Eritreans and the refugee camp ministers went very well and we praise God that they returned home safely! Please pray for the trainees as they all face and have faced unbelievable trials for their faith.
  • Rich was prevented in one case by theft of his passport, and in another case by unrest from visiting our trainees in Southern Ethiopia. We are grieved at the loss of this opportunity to bless and encourage them and be blessed by a closer report on their faith, but please continue to pray for them and for peace in the area!