Rich began working with sheik ad his coworker writing MBB materials, they outlined what an MBB needs practically to transition to the church. Praise God! Rich heard many stories about why these materials are necessary. In one scenario a Muslim convert went to church in Maiduguri, and the people at the gate refused to let him in because they were afraid that he was going to bomb the place, they called the police, the policeman was a Muslim and was mad he had converted and accused him of being BH, and put him in jail for two years.
Praise God, there was no trouble over Salah in Jos or in Maiduguri. In Jos, they didn’t let anyone ride the “tricycles” over Salah so they wouldn’t have an easy attack method.
In Kindjandi BH attacked and kidnapped a woman who they later released too send a warning that they plan on killing all the Christians in an area.
Maiduguri is completely calm which is making everyone nervous, because this kind of calm usually means they’re planning a new strategy, pray that God has mercy and averts all tragedy, and thwarts all plans of the enemy.
This week Comfort had 2 people she trained, one is an immigration officer and another local person. She sometimes trains people within her house, pray for her! Comfort asks for prayer that there will be more open doors for her to train more people. Pray for grace and encouragement for her as she works in this difficult region.
Pray for Rich as he travels north hopefully Wednesday, going up for two days. Sheik and his co-worker will be traveling with him. They will meet with the ECWA folks, making sure they’re going to follow through with their muslim evangelism and follow up strategy we agreed on. It has been difficult to help the church accept MBBS, the church got burned recently because they accepted an MBB, there is a lot of fear. Please pray for safe travel because it’s dangerous around there.
Pray for the 500 convert goal that we are trusting God this year! Pray for wisdom as we continue to work with church leaders to figure out how to care for them.
Pray for the meeting to set up all the conferences. Committee meeting on Monday! Pray it will work out well and will be a good time of fellowship.
Some of the people we trained from the??? training. Someone from abuja, a woman has trained about 30 people, she has been sending pictures and reports. Another one in Lagos started training some teenage girls, she is using her training really effectively! Another pastor called from delta, that he has started conducting the training with his church leadership, and need more materials. Pray for people who are using the training that god will give them wisdom to know how to continue to put their training into practice.
Pray for the Nigerian office, they just sold their small car and are hoping to get a new (and better functioning one!) Pray for wisdom!
Pray for Peter, he has just started classes! One of his classes is on Islamic theology and thought. He thanks God that it has come at the right time, there are eight in the class and most of them know exactly how they want to use it in their ministry.
One of the challenges is that the churches are running away from the training, some of the MBBs are using the churches for money, and continually rotating between churches. Peter is brainstorming with other classmates how to best solve those problems.
Pray for plans for the end of the year, thinking of ideas for how to raise funds internally for the Nigeria Office. They met as a team the past two weeks, and agreed on a strategy for developing video clips and newsletters to send to strategic people to share about the ministry. Pray that God will give us more wisdom for how to best communicate and who to talk to!
Pray for Stacey as he develops videos for the Nigeria office! They are hoping to start meeting with some major potential supporters by August. Ten minute video.
We are trying to set up a training in Niger, the week after the fall conference. We need visas to be able to do that!
Thank God, Sam’s father is improving, the problem is heart failure. He will be taking drugs to help with that, pray for God to miraculously heal him, his name is Phungwon!
Pray for continued collaboration with Kale Heywet and our Ethiopian colleagues for wisdom and understanding as we’ve signed the MOU!
Pray for Eskendir’s continued work with us, and also for the set up of the training.
The leadership wants us to go south to a really unreached area where they have indigenous people there willing to be trained! They want us to go in November, but it’s unlikely we will be able to, so prayer for the opportune time to present itself.
Pray that the Cameroonian team will get the funds in time to run their retreat for the FFICM trained evangelists and church leaders.
We’re putting out the monthly newsletter this week, pray for wisdom and grace that people will be prompted to pray and give!
Also pray for knowing who to follow up with as far as volunteers, we need a lot of help…with everything 🙂
Pray for starting to plan the conferences, and also fundraiser!
Pray that the visa process will go smoothly on this end, since the way we had before to get visas without an in person interview is temporarily stalled.
Wendy Palau is wanting to minister to the widows around Jos in the camps, pray for the process of setting that up.
Last week of school for David’s kids before the school year is over! Pray that the kids will be able to finish strong, and the transition process to summer goes smoothly!
Pray for Rick as he begins classes at Multnomah, that he would be blessed and the ministry would also be blessed through his growth in knowledge of the Lord.