Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ May 22nd


Comfort asks for prayer for the villages of Lassa, Dille, and Tarpaya, that are all under attack by the Boko Haram, and no one is coming to their aid! Please pray for mercy for them. In her words, the situation for those vulnerable villages is this, “If you can run and escape good, if you cannot run away nothing has been said, no one knows anything or is doing anything to help…”

Praise God, Maiduguri is safe this week. 

Comfort asks that we pray for a spirit of encouragement and endurance for Christians in the north, for many people are turning away to cultural religion or guns to try to protect themselves. 

Pray for Comfort’s daughter, who is finishing her degree in September! Comfort is trying to set up a training in Biu, pray that the Lord anoints this effort, and provides safety for everyone. 

Pray for the Firm Foundations Nigeria team, they are all in an area outside of Kano where there is very limited cell-service, Peter had to climb to the top of a nearby hill to give us an update! By his account, every thing is going very well, all the teams are there, including the ITEC team. The only complication is that most of the participants speak no English so they needed to find more translators. Three people have come to know Christ, two Fulani Muslims by listening to audio bibles that trainees were given, and one woman who came to ask for food and who ended up speaking to the former sheik who works with us. Pray for them as he is following up with all of them! It is also very hot, though they have been able to keep a generator running to power fans, there is of course no AC and the heat is unrelenting. Pray for grace for the teams. 

Pray for Rick, he’s traveling, and is due in the US tomorrow. He was headed down to Lagos last we heard. 

Peter is trying to develop a plan to reach Niger with some of the trainees in Northern Nigeria, please pray for this effort! The trainees from the north are really excited about the training that they have received thus far. they said that they’ve never had training or substantive material to help them evangelize, they’ve only had tracts. 

That God will continue to have mercy on the ITEC team for dealing with the food and the heat. Tomorrow they are going to start practicing removing teeth from people. Pray that God will give them courage. Also pray for the new MBB converts. Yusuf is following up with them. Pray God will continue to use us all. 

Pray for protection and comfort for the bereaved, Fulani Muslims killed a woman and a Christian Afizere boy at Jarawa bridge. 


Pray for 113 FFICM trainees that Florence and Linda are working with! 

Pray for Reverend Yisa, as he continues to try to figure out how to minister in Cameroon’s dangerous climate

Pray for Cameroon, for mercy from our Lord Jesus on them in this terrible war. May God protect the innocent and bring a miraculous and lasting peace. 


Pray for Stacey’s brother, the initial biopsy from his lung was inconclusive and more doctors are taking a look at it; pray that the results are favorable for healing, and pray for patience and peace while he is waiting. He is a believer, praise God.  

Pray for the Gardner family and the Schlesser family as Roy is now with Jesus, having fought a long battle at the end with Alzheimer’s. We praise God for his life, and for the legacy of hope, forgiveness, gentleness, love, and strength in daily friendship with Jesus, that he leaves with all of us. 


Praise that the set-up for the training of the university students is still going well! Continue to pray for all the preparations that need to be made and that God will bless and work in the hearts of the trainees. 

Praise God that Firm Foundations is working towards an MOU with the denomination we’ve been working with, Kale Heywet. Rich is planning on flying over in early June to sign it, pray for all those arrangements and our continued partnership with them!

Continue to pray for peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and for the borders to open!

Pray for believers in Eritrea, Open Doors posted that 141 Christians, mostly women, some men and children were arrested
