- Comfort and her friends were able to do an outreach last week, and came back Monday safely! They came through Bama, and went to Nchikka, Gwoza, Goza. Praise God for protecting them and for their ministry!
- The former sheik has been able to meet with 8 of the new converts whose lives were in danger last week, and praise God, they are no longer in danger! All those that he has met with are prepared to be discipled in their own villages. The local pastor (who we trained) has accepted them and wants to help them, and there is a discipleship center we may help them connect to as well! He will meet with the other four MBBs soon.
- Boko Haram has issued a letter warning that they plan to attack Maiduguri over the Christmas season. Please pray that God will protect everyone and will not allow them to kill anyone.
- Comfort prayed with a woman whose husband was killed by the Boko Haram when he was not able to run away fast enough. Pray for her and her family.
- Rick is traveling to Lagos meet with 15 people we’ve trained! Pray for protection and for these trainees as they continue to minister.
- Some of the new believers, who resulted from the outreaches during last training in Rijau are going to church! The boys that are underage are not currently being permitted by their parents to go; pray that the parents of the new believers that are young boys will be allowed to go to church!
- The man who runs the discipleship center that we are wanting to work with had a newborn baby this month who has a lot of heart and hearing problems. The doctors in Jos have said that the baby won’t survive unless the parents can afford to fly the baby to India for an operation, which they cannot afford. Please pray for a miracle; that this baby will be healed!
- The Fulani are still attacking vulnerable villages and churches, please pray for protection.
- So far, the Eritrean training is moving forward! A supporter has paid for the Eritrean pastors’ transport, which is a major step towards the training being funded!
- We continue to praise God for Eyasu’s safety from the near-miss car accident last week.
- Praise for the 800 new believers and almost 200 new baptized resulting from trainees supervised by Belay!
- Eyasu hasn’t been able to contact the Eritrean pastors recently, please pray that they are safe!
- There is conflict in various parts of Ethiopia recently ; between students and different tribes. Please pray for peace!
- Pray for Eyasu as he has one more month in Ethiopia without his wife, as she is visiting relatives in the US.
- Thank God that several of the expat missionaries are back in Mbingo, so the army has backed off for now.
- Thank God the road to Yaounde is quiet! The shootings are now not as much around local towns, but around the camps of the freedom fighters, so praise God for increased consideration for civilian life.
- Florence needs transport to go to the north soon or the preparations for February won’t be possible and we will need to choose another time for a conference in Cameroon!
- Florence’s meeting with the medical people was very successful; they are very interested in continuing to be trained to reach out to their patients and their friends!
- The Mbingo hospital is in financial crisis, as they haven’t had as many patients because of the crisis.
- There are three follow-up classes going on in Mbingo with dozens of trainees! Please pray for safety for everyone, and for wisdom and grace for the dedicated trainers!
- We have gotten a couple of generous unexpected donations that will really help our ministry continue to function!
- Dara’s husband Ian is needing to have a scan to take a look at his arteries to make sure they are functioning well, pray that there is good news and no sign of heart disease!
- Prayer for Stacey Lloyd, our new volunteer who is having health problems, pray for healing!