Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ Strong Together in Spirit



  • Peter’s training with the recovering substance abusers from the forests outside Jos is going well! Many of them are praying actively for jobs, as they are turning to substance abuse out of hopelessness. Pray with them, and pray that they may find more brothers and sisters in their local churches to help support their faith in this crucial time!


  • Peter and the Nigeria team are planning a trip to Niger state; they will be traveling this Sunday, and starting training Monday! Prayer for their safety and for their families as they are away, especially little Jerebest Wash who misses his dad and is often sick while Peter is away. 
  • prayer for Samuel’s wife, Jessica, who has issues with pregnancy.
  • prayer for Osang as he is planning a wedding for November!
  • Prayer for Comfort and the training she is running south of Maiduguri (the Boko Haram’s starting place)



  • Florence thanks God for his protection, and that they have been provided for in such a way that they can help others


  • the government burned many of the hospital staff’s homes, praise God there were no casualties as they did this.
  • On May 20th, the opposition forces warned the population to leave the hilltop above Mbingo, telling them that they were going to wage war in that area. There was an armed conflict between them and the military in which at least one died on each side. The hospital compound is now crowded with refugees.
  • FFICM is still hoping to return to Cameroon next January to continue the work, but pray that the country stabilizes enough that we can return to minister with our sisters and brothers!



  • Eskendir has experienced full healing in his back and praises God
  • Eskendir has his tickets for Ethiopia in July thanks to gifts from FFICM’s supporters!
  • Eyasu’s daughter is graduating with a BA in Psychology prayer for her finishing her thesis!


  • Eyasu has another daughter getting ready to graduate 8th grade and is preparing for national exams.
  • Prayer for the preparation and provision for the training in July—it will cost $80 per trainee and we are hoping for 200!
  • Prayer for timing of plans for future trainings; southeastern Ethiopia wants us to come, but it is a dangerous area.
  • Eyasu is leaving next week for northern Ethiopia to train Eritrean refugees and connect with people we have trained before as they reach out to more! Prayer that he will learn how best to support them. We praise God that we now have the materials translated into the language (Tigre) which will be best for them.



  • Dara’s family is all well finally, after 2 weeks of illness!


  • Rick needs to raise more support!
  • prayer for wisdom and energy as Rich, Susanna, and Dara do crucial work on the training manual and materials!
  • prayer for provision for finances as our staff’s needs and our staffing needs are increasing.
  • Nicole has 2 interviews for jobs this week! Prayer for wisdom and the right fit for her.
  • David is now sick, prayer for healing!
  • Rich has a board meeting tomorrow, prayer for wisdom for all in leading for the ministry.