- Deeply impressed with reports from the COCIN (Church of Christ in Nigeria) young adult leaders on the FFICM training, the general secretary wants Peter and Rich to present to the leadership for the whole church, so that they can mobilize all the leadership in COCIN to be trained in evangelism and follow-up. We will continue training their young adults as requested while they work this out!
- Rich met with the former Muslim sheik and the head of NLFA (New Life for All) and they have a vision and are developing a plan to have a conference for Muslim background believers (also known as MBBs) for their encouragement and to also train them how to safely evangelize and follow up. The plan is to have 1,000 attendees, all by personal invitation.
- We’re so thankful for all the team’s safe traveling!
- Rick and Osang are in Lagos training 42 members of prison fellowship who work in the local prisons. They are expecting more, and are excited about the group as they are highly responsive, quick learners, and really appreciative.
- Rich and Peter are training missionaries from NLFA this week, who will go immediately afterwards to rural posts near Maijuju for a week to evangelize and follow-up with new believers!
- The Jalingo training went really well! A number of people came to know the Lord during the training as a result of the outreaches. The bishop of the denomination stayed through the whole training and is encouraging other pastors to come to our trainings.
- The Methodist training in Jalingo that had been cancelled is now rescheduled for October!
- Jerebest, Peter’s three-year-old boy, was healthy this whole trip that Peter was gone!
- Rich and Peter are teaching this week and are suffering from a severe stomach bug. Prayer for healing!
- Rick and Osang have run into technical issues, the gospel cards were not folded right, and 20-30 percent of them are unusable! Prayer that all of the other details go smoothly.
- prayer as we begin planning the conference for MBBs, as we will be helping out a lot with finances, and Rich is hoping to bring two expat speakers as well (hopefully someone from Voice of the Martyrs).
- Comfort made it safely home, but her hometown in Maiduguri is being battered by the Boko Haram. Recently, over a hundred girls were abducted from a local school nearby. Five girls died, all except one were returned to their families. The one Christian girl who refused to convert to Islam, they have kept her. Please pray for mercy and strength for her, and that she will be able to return home, and for safety for the villagers as they continue to suffer attacks by this evil group of people.
- The hospital staff continue to minister the gospel to their patients.
- The general secretary reported that no one has been able to return to Belo. Some are in Bamenda, and some are hiding in the bushes. The military came to the village of Anyadra, (where Peter taught the locals to evangelize and follow-up his second week in Cameroon this past trip) because they had heard that some of the young men were developing a militia to protect themselves, and they killed every young person they could find. The general secretary has not been able to get a hold of the people in the village to find out what happened to our trainees—please pray for their safety.
- Everything is going well with the arrangements for the trainings for university students during the summer!
- Eyasu has an open door for ministry that God has opened! He has received invitations to train evangelists and teach follow-up in seminaries. He will soon train 12 evangelists.
- Continued prayer for Eyasu and Eskendir’s support!
- Eyasu’s daughter is defending her thesis in psychology for her bachelor’s degree in a couple of weeks. Prayer for her preparation, peace for her heart, and success in her academics!
- Continued prayer needed for Eskendir’s project setting up trainings for rural churches!
- A supporter donated a car to David’s family!
- Praise God for new financial partners for David’s ministry as he continues to switch over to FFICM.
- Praise God for the dedication of Dara and Ian’s son, Carsten
- Dara’s father-in-law, a long-time congregational care pastor, is suffering damage from a heart attack he had a while ago and is going in this week to see if there are options to help him with his heart that don’t involve open-heart surgery. Prayer for her husband Ian as well.
- Prayer for Nicole, as she needs more employment than her work for FFICM, and is going on an important interview this week!
- Prayer for a friend of Davids in southern Oregon, who has walked away from the Lord and has denied ever having known him.
- Prayer for more financial partners for David, who is currently at 70% of his target support level.