Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Nigeria conference and on to Niger

Hello Everyone!

Rich, Peter, Carl, Stephen, Rick, and their faithful co-workers have had an amazing trip this past two weeks. They want you to know your prayers are greatly appreciated, and that God has moved in unprecedented ways.

They started off, as you know, by teaching at the Forum for Nigerian Evangelists. It was an incredibly encouraging and powerful time with some of Nigeria’s most influential evangelists.

The team moved on and I received this note from Rich:
This conference was the largest and best ever in terms of impact. People really responded to the messages. The conference had been fraught with technical problems from the beginning but God overcame them all. In addition to two speakers dropping out a few weeks ago, the biggest issue was that three days before the start of the conference the manager of the venue cancelled our booking. Nuhu (the leader of New Life for All) had to work very quickly. There were people coming from all over Nigeria and some from Cameroon. He had to redirect them to the new site, which is the one we used last year.
We were only expecting 700 people this year because of the economy. The Nigerian Naira has lost half of its value in the past year. Nuhu only received that many registration. Now with the change of venue to a place that people had to sleep outside we thought only 500-600 would show up instead of the usual 3,000.
But we all were amazed that even with the change of venue at the last minute, well over 3,000 attended! There is a large tent outside holding hundreds more. Not only that but people responded very enthusiastically to the messages. It was awesome to witness and be a part of. I have not experienced such a reception before.
Rich ended up speaking more than he anticipated–he filled in for one additional session, and also taught a “small” break-out session for 600:
Then, the team made the dangerous journey up to Niger. Thank God, they made it to Niger safely!
We have had no verbal updates from them, but we’ve received a few pictures, and we are all eagerly anticipating hearing how the Lord moved in Niger.
Please pray for Rich and the team as they make the journey down from Niger on Saturday!
Please also pray– Rich had a surprise opportunity come up–on Rich’s layover in Paris, he will be meeting with a French pastor and his wife that he made contact with on a trip to the East Coast. He has changed his ticket so he can spend two days with them, preaching to their congregation and teaching the leaders about follow-up. Praise the Lord for this opportunity! Rich will now be flying back to the US on Tuesday.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and for participating so faithfully in prayer in this good work of the Lord’s!

In Christ our Lord,

Dara Searcy-Gardner
 Director of Communication