Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ February 8, 2021

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” — John 14:26-27


  • Current Trainings
    • Today the team (Sam, Peter, Prisca and Rick Cordell) trained 25 people with another partner organization — these people have been trained in evangelism by E-Team Global already. Now FFICM is training in them follow-up. They will continue training through Wednesday. 
    • Sam and Valentine would like prayer for safety as they travel to Gombe State to lead a refresher training for people they trained last year. 
    • Praise God for Zainab’s teaching ministry, which is called Prudent Creation Ministry. She is raising up other teachers so she can divide up the classes. Pray that the new teachers will grow in their own faith and maturity. 
  • Planning for the Future
    • Rick will be preaching in two weeks. Please pray for direction and openness to the Holy Spirit’s leading. 
    • The FFICM-Nigeria office is still waiting to be painted. Please pray that the work be completed!
    • Please pray for the planning of the MBB Conference. The venue of the MBB conference will need to change (or else the date will need to change) because someone else will be using the facility. The MBB conference is currently scheduled April 26th-30th. Please pray for wisdom for the team. Pray for cooperation among the MBB planning committee which is made of 13 partner organizations which also focus on MBB ministry. 
    • Please pray for God’s blessing and guidance regarding the HBB conference. Planning and preparation for HBB conference March 15-19. Next planning meeting will be Feb 22.
    • Pray for wisdom regarding ongoing invitation to new partnerships.
      • New Life For All is asking us to partner with them to handle the follow-up training for an outreach they are planning. 
      • Seventy people from Niger state would like to be trained in the FFICM follow-up material. Pray for wisdom as the FFICM-Nigeria team considers how to balance current commitments with the many new opportunities.
  • Protection and Healing
    • Prisca’s mother had to go to the hospital. Please join us in praying for her complete healing. 
    • Valentine’s 8 month old daughter contracted malaria. She was placed on a 5-day injection schedule. She was doing very poorly, but we praise God that she’s getting good medical treatment now. 
    • Pray also for Zainab’s health.  She was in a motorcycle accident last week. She sustained minor injuries but asks for prayer for complete healing so she can focus on the ministry. 
    • Pray for energy and rest for the FFICM-Nigeria team who is working hard. The work is exciting, rewarding and exhausting as God’s kingdom work grows dramatically in Nigeria. Give the team wisdom regarding balancing their ministry work and their desire to be present with their families. 
  • Praise: 
    • All those whose lives are touched by the radio and TV ministry. Praise God for the encouragement these ministries have brought to many people. 
    • Rick will be moving to a different housing situation next week for the rest of his time there in Nigeria (until May 25). 


  • Rich had an exhausting trip, but made it safely to Ethiopia. Pray for good rest and strength for the busy schedule of training and meetings.
  • There are 19 trainees for the training of trainers event this week in southern Ethiopia. We plan to select 5 of the participants from the training this week to be the trainers in training for the training of 70 next week, also in southern Ethiopia.
  • Please pray for access to phone communication for Rich. His new US cell phone cannot make/receive calls in Ethiopia even though he was promised it would work. It works via the internet only. Pray for access to strong internet connections so Rich can communicate with others. 
  • Pray for the wisdom regarding the vehicle purchase. 


  • Praise: 
    • Praise God that a church in the US has agreed to cover the costs to produce 13 more TV episodes and 13 more radio programs about our training in Nigeria!
    • Thank you to everyone who joined us at the monthly FFICM prayer meeting this past Saturday. It was a time to lift up the needs of the ministry. We felt greatly encouraged! We hope that many more can join us in the future as we plan to do these at 9 am the first Saturday of each month via Zoom. 
  • Prayer: 
    • Dara and Courtney are working out a communications plan for the year. Please pray for wisdom for them. 
    • Dara continues to experience significant health emergencies. She wasn’t able to get out of bed much last week and still needs wisdom and mercy. 
    • Susanna is working to complete a translation of the FFICM follow-up materials into Arabic through the InDesign computer program. 
    • David is now halfway through his third class in his Master of Arts in NonProfit Management degree. Pray for good time management and ability to keep up with all the assignments. Praise God for all that he is learning and is able to apply right away in his role as Director of Operations.
    • Our Murdock Trust grant application decision will be made Feb 25. Pray that they will look favorably and the funding will be approved to cover a new staff person for our US office.