Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ September 2-9

Prayer and Praise ~ September 2nd-9th


Peter’s visa interview is Friday! Pray for mercy for him from person interviewing him! The US government hasn’t been accepting people easily.

Pray for Ruth’s family, today is the year anniversary of his death in a Muslim attack. He was a strong Christian and is with the Lord but this is obviously very difficult for her family. 

Thank God for last week’s program at the IDP camp, it was a success by the team’s testimony. Some of them have already started using the training. This evening, one of the leaders came to the office to take materials that he will be using.

Pray for continued preparations for the conferences. Especially the one in partnership with NLFA which is the largest, and is coming up next week!

Pray for couples meeting! Rich and the Nigeria team leadership is going to speak with the spouses of our trainers to explain more about the ministry.

The Nigeria office is going to meet with the 7 prospective trustees (during the week of the conference probably Thursday the 12th of September)

Pray for the trainer’s training!

Sam started teaching the baptism class in his church using the follow-up materials, please pray for these new believers! He is also training another class of ten people. 


In a shocking development, Eskendir updated us that an underground Coptic priest told him that he had heard of our organization, and asked him if he would help train him and some of his people in evangelism and follow-up! If you all will remember, the Coptic priests were the ones that stirred up the crowd of thousands to beat up our university student trainees this past month! 


Please continue to pray for the country, it is again unstable, there was a Wycliffe translator killed recently. 

Please pray for Florence as she is still caring for her husband! Please pray for a restoration of his health in Jesus’ Name, and provision for their needs. 

Please also continue to pray for Dorcas and the new believers that she is following up with!

Please also pray for the people that Linda trained this past month, that they would be faithful to their callings and God would provide for them.


Praise God for the prayer meeting we had with the Palaus and our USA team and supporters yesterday! We prayed for the team that is going and it was a really encouraging time. 

Pray for the US team that will be traveling! Rich is traveling on Tuesday, and the rest of the team is traveling Thursday, pray for their safe travel and for all their preparations. 

Praise God for our new volunteer who has been extremely helpful! We had two more people contact us and indicate they are willing to volunteer. Praise God for his provision, we look forward to seeing how he is going to continue to provide. 

David’s kids start school tomorrow, for two of them, it is their first day at a new school, pray for them as they adjust! Pray for Denise as well as David leaves. 

David’s car was having difficulties, and a friend this last week told them that they are going to give them their van! Praise God for his provision. 

Pray for Wendy’s outreach on Sunday to the 600 women from the IDP camp.

Pray for Rick, he has a lot of things up in the air as far as future planning, pray for wisdom! 
