Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Praise and Prayer ~ August 26-September 1


Pray for preparations for the big conference, there are a lot of important details that still need to be sorted out!

Peter and the team went out to visit people with the newsletters and fundraising materials, and challenged them to financially support the ministry, and it went very well, praise God!

Tomorrow through Friday, Peter, Comfort and Sam are going to train 40 women from the IDP camps in follow-up ahead of Wendy Palau’s September outreach to 600 women from three camps. Pray for the trainees and for the team! Praise God for this amazing opportunity to serve people who have suffered a lot.

Pray for Comfort’s niece, she had an accident last week, she is doing better, praise God!

Pray for Peter’s visa interview on the sixth of September! We really want him to be able to fly to the US to meet with the US team and some of our supporters in the fall.

There was an attack in the Forun area, two houses were burned and nobody was killed. The locals were on the alert, and repelled them. Thank God and pray for peace! 

Sam, God has opened a door for him to teach a baptism class using the materials, he started yesterday, there were 6 people that attended. The elder that was leading the class may invite him for more trainings! Praise God for his work with them! 

Sam is concerned about the spiritual life of his parents, they have not confessed faith in Christ, though they attend church. Sam has been talking with them for years now, praying for special grace for him! He wants to go with another friend to talk to them about their salvation.

Pray for the complicated matter of sorting out our working relationship with the sheik as he tries to discern his long-term calling and how to work with us.

Praise God for Comfort’s safety in traveling to Jos! 

There was an attack in Biu and Magumiri, they killed some people, pray for healing and continued protection. 


Pray for the students as they continue to share the gospel! 

Eskendir is making plans with the mission department to go down to remote areas that are practically unreached to do trainings, pray for wisdom and grace, and praise God for these opportunities.

Pray for Eskendir as he continues to make connections for us in the country as national director, that God would lead him and bless his ministry!


Florence’s husband is worse, please continue to pray for strength!

The situation in Cameroon is getting much worse, so it is not looking like we will be able to travel there to help run a conference. Pray for those who are still there as they minister!

No schools or government institutions are allowed to operate in the English-speaking regions, pray for peace, and for mercy for the English-speaking lands especially. 


Thank God for Rich’s trip to Philadelphia, we have many new prayer supporters and a few financial supporters!

Pray for continued set-up for speakers for the second and third conferences on our end!

Keep praying, we have submitted an application for a grant that would give us seed money for a matching grant, which would be an incredible help!

Pray we have our first planning meeting for our fall fundraiser this week, pray that these plans go smoothly. 

We have a new volunteer coming in this week to meet with Rich and David, praise God, he wants to volunteer 10-20 hours a week. 

Praise God for the training at Cedar Mill! We have some new interested people! 

Pray for a new training opportunity through David’s friend—we might be able to train people from 12 churches ahead of an evangelist outreach around Easter, which would be incredible.

Pray for Rick’s friend Scott, who has cancer, and whose father recently died, Rick is hoping he will be responsive to the gospel. 

Pray for David’s father-in-law, still struggling with prostate cancer.

Continue praying for Stacey’s brother who is receiving treatment for cancer. 

Pray for Carl Palmer’s cancer, which has spread to his bones, please pray for healing and for his pain level! Please also pray for his wife Carolyn

Praise for healing for Carsten, who is recovered from his pain issue and sleeping, for which Dara and Ian thank God and you all for praying!
