Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Donation Preferenced For The Development Director

God is opening doors. We are growing as an organization. In order to continue to expand as we believe God has called us to, we need someone on our team who can focus on helping us to look for new avenues of funding the ministry. We invite you to join us as we raise strategic funds for a Development Director who can focus their time and efforts on sharing the vision with more people in creative ways as we discover the resources needed to accomplish the things that God has called us to do.

Donation Preferenced for Development Director

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This method uses credit card details saved in your browser or digital wallet.


*Note: As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we cannot accept gifts and give tax-deductible receipts for contributions that are “designated” to a specific individual.  The US government requires that we show that all contributions are to the organization and that the organization has full control over the use of those gifts. But, you can let us know your preference for which area of our ministry you would like to benefit from your contribution, and this will have a strong influence on how those funds are used.