Beyond Evangelism: Establishing a lifelong faith in Jesus

Host a Table at our 2023 Fall Banquet

Date: November 4th, 2023

Time: 5:30pm to 8:00pm PDT

Location: Sunset Church
14986 NW Cornell Road, Portland OR, 97229

Summary of Table Host Responsibilities

  1. Contribute $250/table to completely fund (on a cost/table) the expenses associated with putting on this fundraiser.
  2. Fill your table of eight by inviting friends and family that you would like to share the evening with.
  3. Be the advocate at the table during the evening event to answer questions about FFICM and its impact to you and the world-wide body of Christ. We will provide additional training materials (and one-on-one attention as needed) to all who want to participate in this way.
Host a Table

Host Contact Information

Host a Table

Contribution per table - $250.00